Front cover image for Representation from above : members of Parliament and representative democracy in Sweden

Representation from above : members of Parliament and representative democracy in Sweden

Focusing upon a Scandinavian parliament, the Swedish parliament, this study examines the features of the political institution. The book aims to further the debate on representative democracy.
Print Book, English, ©1996
Dartmouth, Aldershot, ©1996
ix, 360 s. : diagram, table
9781855217461, 1855217465
Contents: The Puzzle of Representation: Looking for Political Representation. Representing the People: Who Gets There; Follow the Party; Representing Whom; Thinking Alike; Knowing the People. Persuading the People: On the Campaign Trail; Defining the Future. Deciding for the People: Power in Society; Who Decides in Parliament?; Power to the Parliamentarians; Teaming-Up with Other Elites; Networking; What Parliamentarians Do in Parliament. Carrying the Torch: The Not So Responsible Party Model.
[Chapter 9 and parts of chapters 2, 3, 5, 6 and 11 are transl. from De folkvalda, but the main part is based on new or up-dated material]