Front cover image for Why him? why her? : finding real love by understanding your personality type

Why him? why her? : finding real love by understanding your personality type

Helen Fisher, one of the world's leading experts on romantic love, unlocks the hidden code of desire and attachment. Each of us, it turns out, primarily expresses one of four broad personality types--Explorer, Builder, Director, or Negotiator--and each of these types is governed by different chemical systems in the brain. Driven by this biology, we are attracted to partners who both mirror and complement our own personality type. Drawing on her unique study of 40,000 men and women, Fisher explores each personality type in detail, shows you how to identify your own type, and explains why some types match up well, whereas others are problematic.--From publisher description
eBook, English, 2009
H. Holt, New York, 2009
1 online resource (289 pages : illustrations
Eavesdropping on mother nature: why him? why her?
Finding your personality type: the personality type test
The hand you're dealt: nature's dice
Drink life to the lees: the explorer
A pillar of society: the builder
Always to the stars: the director
The philosopher king: the negotiator
Play mates, help mates, mind mates, soul mates: the chemistry of dating
Falling in love: the funnel
The one: how we love
Putting chemistry to work: advice from nature