Biochemical Bulletin, Bindi 4-5Columbia University Biochemical Association., 1915 |
From inside the book
Niđurstöđur 6 - 10 af 16
Síđa 29
... tumor sera ( Nos . 14 and 18 ) gave contradictory values . This may be due to the resistance of the body to tumor growth . In these two animals the tumor was older than in others but attained only a very small size , with a capsule ...
... tumor sera ( Nos . 14 and 18 ) gave contradictory values . This may be due to the resistance of the body to tumor growth . In these two animals the tumor was older than in others but attained only a very small size , with a capsule ...
Síđa 121
... tumor on the basis of the absolute or relative amount of neutral sulfur in the urine . " Experimental . The following methods were used by us for determinations of the colloidal nitrogen and the neutral sulfur in the urine . COLLOIDAL ...
... tumor on the basis of the absolute or relative amount of neutral sulfur in the urine . " Experimental . The following methods were used by us for determinations of the colloidal nitrogen and the neutral sulfur in the urine . COLLOIDAL ...
Síđa 304
... tumors XIII . Concluding general considerations XIV . Bibliography I. INTRODUCTION PAGE 304 308 323 326 327 333 334 336 338 339 348 348 352 354 In my book on vitamines and deficiency diseases , which appeared early in 1914 , and in ...
... tumors XIII . Concluding general considerations XIV . Bibliography I. INTRODUCTION PAGE 304 308 323 326 327 333 334 336 338 339 348 348 352 354 In my book on vitamines and deficiency diseases , which appeared early in 1914 , and in ...
Síđa 346
... tumor - tissue ( Rous's sarcoma ) also had a stimulating effect . In another series of experiments I tried the effect , on the growth of chickens , of an addition of phosphotungstic precipitate , and of phosphotungstic filtrate , to an ...
... tumor - tissue ( Rous's sarcoma ) also had a stimulating effect . In another series of experiments I tried the effect , on the growth of chickens , of an addition of phosphotungstic precipitate , and of phosphotungstic filtrate , to an ...
Síđa 348
... tumors have not justified the hope we had for this method . One is able partially to arrest the growth of a tumor on such a diet , but the avidity of the tumor for food is so great that its growth proceeds on a diet which is entirely ...
... tumors have not justified the hope we had for this method . One is able partially to arrest the growth of a tumor on such a diet , but the avidity of the tumor for food is so great that its growth proceeds on a diet which is entirely ...
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Acad acetate acetone Agric alcohol Amer amount amylogen animals anthocyanin assis Assoc barium barium chlorid beriberi BIOCHEMICAL BULLETIN Biol calcium Cancer carbon carotin Chem chemical chemistry chlorid chlorophyll Coll color Columbia creatinin Dep't dextrin diet dilute disease effect enzyme ether experimental experiments extract filtered filtrate fraction gastric Gies growth Hosp hydrochloric acid hydrochloric acid sol hydrolysis increased influence injections Inst investigation Jour Laboratory liver maize maltose metabolism method milk molecule morality N. Y. City neutral nitrogen normal nutrition obtained organic oxidation oxygen paper pellagra percent phosphorus physiol physiological pigments plants potassium precipitate Prof Professor protein reaction residue rice rickets salt Science scientific scurvy serum Society sodium sodium selenite soluble solution spores starch substances sugar sulfate sulfuric acid tartaric acid tartrate temp tion tumor Univ University urine vice-p vitamine xanthophyll yeast
Vinsćlir kaflar
Síđa 304 - Such a realization could not fail to have an elevating influence upon the medical profession itself, and would probably exert a favorable influence upon the development of international morality in general.
Síđa 453 - Academie des sciences in Paris. It is made by the well-known process of adding sodium carbonate to a solution of chlorinated lime. The mixture is thoroughly shaken, and after half an hour the liquid is siphoned off from the precipitate of calcium carbonate and filtered through cotton. To this clear liquid, sufficient boric acid is added to make the preparation neutral or acid, the amount required being determined by titration with phenolphthalein.
Síđa 441 - Corinna Borden Keen Research Fellowship in the Jefferson Medical College, the income from which now amounts to $1000. The gift provides that the recipient of the fellowship shall spend at least one year in Europe, America or elsewhere (wherever he can obtain the best facilities for research in the line of work he shall select, after consultation with the faculty), and that he shall publish at least one paper embodying the results of his work as the "Corinna Borden Keen Research Fellow of the Jefferson...
Síđa 280 - A comparison of the physico-chemical constants of the juices expressed from the wall with those from the included carpellary whorl in proliferous fruits of Passiflora gracilis.
Síđa 225 - ... feet per second. That is, under the influence of alcohol, seven times as long may be required to hear, feel, taste, or to receive an impression of any sort, as by a normal person. Such a man called upon in an emergency would require at least seven times as long to make up his mind what he ought to do as a healthy person requires, and when large doses of alcohol are administered, the effects are still more pronounced. Certainly this can not be regarded as the effect of a tonic.
Síđa 439 - Among the men who admitted that they had taken alcohol occasionally to excess in the past, but whose habits were considered satisfactory when they were insured, there were 289 deaths, while there would have been only 190 deaths had this group been made up of insured lives in general.
Síđa 109 - Feb., 1916. Mr. George Embrey, President, in the Chair. Messrs. Thomas Featherstone Harvey, Cyril Hubert Manley, Caryl Cameron Roberts, and Frank Thomas Shutt were elected members of the society. A certificate was read for the first time in favour of Mr. Frank Theodore Alpe, " Bracondale,
Síđa 303 - The war has demonstrated, however, one encouraging fact; namely, that among all the sciences and professions, the medical sciences and medical practice occupy an almost unique relationship to warfare, and that among all the citizens of a country at war, medical men and women occupy a peculiar and distinctive position. No discovery in medical science has been utilized for the purpose of destroying or harming the enemy. Medical men in each of the warring countries are as courageous, as patriotic, as...
Síđa 292 - In the dawn of history the medical man was also the treasurer of philosophy and morals. In the Middle Ages, when knowledge became specialized, medical men more and more devoted their activity exclusively to medical practise. On account of the inefficiency of medicine at that time, medicine lost its prestige. However, in the recent decades medicine became a science, and one marvelous discovery follows another, and the efficiency of medical practise increases rapidly. Medicine makes accessible to man...
Síđa 364 - Osborne and Mendel: The relation of growth to the chemical constituents of the diet.