structure, not unlike certain varieties of very compact blue limestone. Fracture. The fracture of emery is tolerably regular, and the surface exposed is granular, of an adamantine aspect; it is exceedingly difficult to break when not traversed by fissures or not of a lamellated structure, as much of that from Nicaria. When reduced to powder it varies in color from that of a darkgray to black. The color of its powder affords no indication of its commercial value. The powder examined under the microscope shows the distinct existence of the two minerals, corundum and oxide of iron, which appear inseparable, as the smallest fragment contains the two together. Magnetism.-As it is natural to suppose, all specimens of emery affect more or less the magnetic needle; in some the magnetism is barely perceptible, in others it amounts to strong polarity. Odor.-Emery when moistened always affords a very strong argillaceous odor-even the most compact varieties. Specific gravity.—The different varieties do not vary much in their specific gravity, it being always in the neighborhood of 4. The specific gravity of various specimens will be given on a following page. Hardness. The hardness of emery is its most important property, as to it is due the value of this substance in the arts. For this reason I have devoted much time and attention to the determination of it. In a mineralogical sense, its hardness is not difficult to determine; for if we try different varieties of emery by scratching agate or other hard substance, the effect will naturally be very nearly the same, for in every case it will be some point of corundum that has produced the scratch. If, however, we happen not to rub a point of corundum against the agate, no effect will be produced on the latter, but the emery will yield. As this method leads to no practical result, I have sought out another, which may properly be called one for determining the effective hardness of emery and corundum, and is as follows. Fragments are broken from the piece to be examined, and crushed in a diamond mortar with two or three blows of a hammer, then thrown into a sieve (the one employed had four hundred holes to the square centimetre); the portion passing through is collected, and that remaining on the sieve is again placed in the mortar and two or three blows given, then thrown into the sieve; the operation is repeated until all the emery has passed through the sieve. The object of giving but two or three blows at a time is to avoid crushing any of the emery to too fine a powder. Thus pulverized, it is intimately mixed and a certain portion of it is weighed (as I operated with a balance sensible to a milligramme, the quantity used never exceeded a gramme). To test the effective hardness of this, a circular piece of glass about four inches in diameter and a small agate mortar are used. The glass is first weighed and placed on a piece of glazed paper; the pulverized emery is then thrown on it little by little, at each time rubbing it against the glass with the bottom of the agate mortar. The emery is brushed off the glass from time to time with a feather, and when all the emery has been made to pass once over the glass it is collected from the paper and made to pass through the same operation, which is repeated three or four times. The glass is then weighed, after which it is subjected to the same operation as before, the emery being by this time reduced to an impalpable powder. This series of operations is continued until by repeated weighing the loss sustained by the glass is reduced to a few milligrammes. The total loss in the glass is then noted, and when all the specimens of emery are submitted to this operation under the same circumstances we get an exact idea of their relative hardness. The blue sapphire of Ceylon was pulverized and experimented with in this way; it furnished me with a unit of comparison by which to compare the results obtained. This operation is long but certain, and for the harder varieties of emery it is necessary to repeat the rubbing six or seven times, and it requires nearly two hours for completion. The results that I have obtained are interesting, and have furnished me with the means of forming conclusions that I could not otherwise have come at. Glass and agate have not been chosen for this experiment. without a certain object, as experiments were first made with two pieces of agate, with two pieces of glass, and with metal and glass. The agates were found too hard, as they crushed the emery without producing hardly any abrasive effect; the others were found not to crush the emery sufficiently, making the experiment tedious and long. With the glass and agate we have a hard substance which crushes the emery, and in a certain space of time reduces it to such an impalpable state that it has no longer any sensible effect on the glass, and on the other hand the glass is soft enough to lose during this time sufficient of its substance to allow of accurate comparative results. In the employment of this method in the arts it would not be necessary to go to the sapphire for a standard of comparison; any good emery would answer the purpose quite as well. It must be understood that this method of coming at the abrasive effects of emery does not furnish the mineralogical hardness of this substance, by which we understand the hardness of any individual particle, as evinced by its effect on a substance of less hardness, without regard to the molecular structure of the mineral. Two minerals possessing the same hardness but differing in structure, one being friable and the other resisting, will be found very different in their abrasive effects; for instance, break a piece of quartz in two, subject one of the pieces to a white heat, and after cooling compare the two by rubbing the point against some hard substance; both will be found to scratch equally well. Then try the two in a state of powder by rubbing them between two pieces of glass that have been weighed, and the difference of their abrasive effects will be found very great, because the one subjected to the fire is exceedingly friable and becomes readily crushed to an impalpable powder. This fact is eminently true with reference to emery, many specimens of which containing the same amount of corundum differ somewhat in their effective hardness, owing to the more or less compact structure of the corundum. By the method with the agate and glass I have found the best emery capable of wearing away about one half its weight of the glass (that used was the common French window-glass). The sapphire under the same circumstances wears away more than four fifths of its weight. A tabular view of the results will be given a little farther on. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF EMERY. This substance consisting of a mixture of corundum and oxide of iron in various proportions, it is easy to see what its composition must be. Yet the chemical examination of this mineral, taken in connection with other properties, is not devoid of interest. For the purpose of analysis the emery was reduced to a state of powder, in the manner alluded to in speaking of its hardness, with a diamond mortar and sieve. This powder was dried for twenty-four hours over sulphuric acid; a gramme was then weighed in a small platinum crucible of about one. fourth of a cubic inch in capacity, fitted with a cover that adapted itself well to it. This small crucible was placed in another of earth, and the space between the two filled with pulverized quartz which also covered the smaller one to the depth of half an inch. Common sand was not used, because during the heating some particles might adhere to the platinum crucible by a semifusion; nor was powdered charcoal employed, because it protected the mineral no better than the pulverized quartz from contact with the air, at the same time a little risk was run in decomposing a small amount of the iron. Thus arranged, the crucibles were heated to a bright-red for from thirty minutes to one hour. After cooling the platinum crucible was carefully withdrawn and weighed. The loss furnished me with the amount of water in the emery. It requires a continued red heat to drive out all the water, a circumstance which is true for a number of minerals, particularly for those containing a large amount of alumina, as diaspore and the micas, which will be spoken of in this paper. The powder, of which the water has been estimated, was next submitted to levigation in a large agate mortar placed on a surface of glazed paper; and when completed it was carefully detached from the mortar, placed in a platinum capsule, heated gently to drive off any hygrometric moisture, and weighed. The increase of weight furnished the amount of silica taken from the mortar. The levigation of one gramme was accomplished in two operations, each requiring about twenty minutes; and by using a mortar of convenient size and the extremity of a feather or a small brush it is possible to lose but an insensible quantity of the mineral, and to estimate with sufficient precision the amount of silica abraded from the mortar. Another method by which I accomplished the levigation in some of the analyses was in a steel mortar of the same form as the agate mortar; and when completed the powder was placed in a glass with nitric acid diluted with thirty times its weight of water, and left in it for one hour, agitating it occasionally. The iron taken from the mortar was dissolved, and no part of the mineral attached. The next thing was to filter, and continue the analysis with the substance thus freed from the iron of the mortar, without any second weighing. Of these two methods I preferred to employ the first for the emery, as it is more expeditious and almost if not quite as exact as the second. There are, however, occasions in which the steel mortar should be resorted to. The substance once reduced to an impalpable powder, it was necessary to render it completely soluble, and my researches to arrive at this were long and tedious. In trying the various known methods the most successful was found to be that with a mixture of carbonate of soda and caustic soda heated to whiteness for one hour; nevertheless I could not obtain a complete decomposition. The decomposition might probably be completed if the levigation was made more thoroughly; but it is easy to understand that with a large number of analyses of the same substance to make, it was a desideratum on my part not to consume the best part of a day in the levigation of a single gramme, particularly as I did not wish to confide this operation to another, as much care was required to lose nothing during the levigation. Mixed with carbonate of baryta and heated in a forge, the decomposition of the mineral was far from being complete; the same may be said for the treatment with the caustic alkalies in a silver crucible. The bisulphate of potash decomposes it almost entirely by a single operation, but unfortunately a double salt of potash and alumina is formed which is almost insoluble in water or in the acids, and it is only by a solution of potash that it is first decomposed and afterward redissolved. I will not stop to detail all the disadvantages attending this method, but will at |