Vermont Medicine, Bindi 3

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Vermont State Medical Society, 1918

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Síđa 139 - O thou invisible spirit of wine ! if thou hast no name to be known by, let us call thee devil.
Síđa 133 - The essential requirements to securing an invitation are that the applicant shall be a citizen of the United States, shall be between twenty-two and thirty years of age, a graduate of a medical school legally authorized to confer the degree of doctor of medicine...
Síđa 139 - God, that men should put an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains ! that we should, with joy, pleasance, revel, and applause, transform ourselves into beasts ! lago.
Síđa 118 - He shall visit each county in his district at least once a year for the purpose of organizing Component Societies where none exist, for Inquiring Into the condition of the profession, and for improving and increasing the zeal of the County Societies and their members...
Síđa 22 - NEW AND NONOFFICIAL REMEDIES. Since publication of New and Nonofficial Remedies, 1915, and in addition to those previously reported, the following articles have been accepted by the Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry of the American Medical Association for inclusion with "New and Nonofficial Remedies.
Síđa 143 - Home from my office to my Lord's lodgings, where my wife had got ready a very fine dinner — viz. a dish of marrow-bones ; a leg of mutton ; a loin of veal ; a dish of fowl, three pullets, and a dozen of larks all in a dish ; a great tart, a neat's tongue, a dish of anchovies; a dish of prawns and cheese.
Síđa 143 - Very merry at, before, and after dinner, and the more for that my dinner was great, and most neatly dressed by our own only maid. We had a fricasee of rabbits and chickens, a leg of mutton boiled, three carps in a dish, a great dish of a side of lamb, a dish of roasted pigeons, a dish of four lobsters, three tarts, a lamprey pie (a most rare pie), a dish of anchovies, good wine of several sorts, and all things mighty noble and to my great content.
Síđa 290 - US Army, for 1918 (including statistics for the calendar year 1917 and activities for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1918), has just been issued from the Government Printing Office. It contains a comparative study of the health of the Army, 1820-1917; an account of the health of the mobilization camps and of the Army by countries ; a consideration (70 pages in extent) of the principal epidemics in the camps; and a discussion of fractures and operations.
Síđa 115 - Three trustees elected from among the members of the retirement system, one to serve for one year, one to serve for two years and one to serve for three years from the first day of November following their election.
Síđa 117 - Direction of the Council on Health and Public Instruction of the American Medical Association.

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