Discourse: Berkeley Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture, Bindi 30,Útgáfa 3Indiana University Press, 2008 |
From inside the book
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Síða 443
... global networks throughout which it travels , and chronicles the epidemiological work that ends with its containment . " 1 These outbreak narratives trace a process that begins with a disease's appearance its emergence — and ends with ...
... global networks throughout which it travels , and chronicles the epidemiological work that ends with its containment . " 1 These outbreak narratives trace a process that begins with a disease's appearance its emergence — and ends with ...
Síða 450
... global village . " 26 The origin of the flu in the film is implicitly blamed on close contact between the prein- dustrial labor of raising animals and modern factory work : an Amer- ican businessman is infected when he is coughed on by ...
... global village . " 26 The origin of the flu in the film is implicitly blamed on close contact between the prein- dustrial labor of raising animals and modern factory work : an Amer- ican businessman is infected when he is coughed on by ...
Síða 454
... Spectacle of Accident If the outbreak narrative often sees in global movement the infiltra- tion of outside pathogens , then it is perhaps not surprising that the most commonly sought " lifeboats " -the laboratory and the 454 Bill ...
... Spectacle of Accident If the outbreak narrative often sees in global movement the infiltra- tion of outside pathogens , then it is perhaps not surprising that the most commonly sought " lifeboats " -the laboratory and the 454 Bill ...
James Leo Cahill and Greg Siegel | 278 |
Industrial Safety Films Accidental Motion Studies | 317 |
Blunt Head Trauma and AccidentDriven Cinema | 373 |
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acci accident accidental aesthetic amnesia anxiety artists automobile Babel body California Press camera car crash Chieko Christian Marclay cinema Cinematograph collision containment contingent event Crash Injury Crash Test Dummy cultural David Lynch dent desire destruction disaster discourse documentary early film Edgar Kennedy effect Emergence of Cinematic encounter enframing epidemiological essay experience Fatal Contact figure film's filmic filmmakers Fluxus force frame global Guitar Drag head injury Hepworth high-speed Hot Zone Hugh De Haven human Ibid impact Iñárritu infection ITTE James Byrd Jr laboratory Leo Cahill Lumière Marclay's Mary Ann Doane Modernity motorists Mulholland Drive Muybridge Nam June Paik necessity ontological outbreak narratives Paik Paul Virilio performance photographic present produced quotation Random Harvest reveals safety scene screen sense Severy shooting shot space spectacle spectator speed Stapp structure Studies Susan technologies temporal tion trans trauma University of California University Press violence Virilio visual York