The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Bindi 15-16

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American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 1913
Vols. 3-140 include the society's Proceedings, 1907-41


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Síđa 231 - Fremy l was probably the first to give an explanation of this phenomenon. He believed the power to coagulate milk possessed by an extract of the mucous lining of a calf's stomach to be due to the presence * Also printed in Jour. Biol. Chem., 15:231-236, as a contribution "From the Biochemical Laboratory of the Harvard Medical School, Boston, and the Chemical Laboratory of the New York Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, NY" t Reprint of Technical Bulletin No.
Síđa 319 - ... protein-free milk." Whether or not the latter is wholly deficient in this substance cannot be determined as yet from any data which we possess. It is true that young rats are able to make very considerable growth when fed on the natural "protein-free milk...
Síđa 279 - From 0.5 gram to 1 gram of bichromate will usually be sufficient, and not more than 1 gram should be added unless the liquid turns green indicating a great reduction to chromium sulphate; very rarely 2 or 3 grams of bichromate may be necessary, especially if the sugar has not been completely removed. A 10 per cent solution of potassium bichromate is kept on hand and 10 cc. of this, diluted to 100 cc. are measured out for each determination. 20 cc. of the dilute solution (0.2 gram KiGtiOt) are first...
Síđa 425 - From the Laboratory of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station and the Sheffield Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry in...
Síđa 341 - UNDERBILL. (from the Sheffield Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut...
Síđa 282 - ... urine, and especially for small amounts of oxybutyric acid is, with the correction, more accurate.' It is of interest that the parallel determination by the two methods, one of which determines both d and I forms of the acid, has given no evidence for the occurrence in diabetic urine of d-oxybutyric acid. The asymmetric formation of the levo oxybutyric acid, so far as indicated by available evidence, appears to be perfect. SUMMARY. 1. The method for the determination of oxybutyric acid by oxidation...
Síđa 231 - Kase, which we call paracasein and a soluble product which he called whey-protein (Molkeneiweiss). He also showed that the change of casein to paracasein is independent of coagulation, the coagulation being due to the presence of soluble calcium salts.3 A great number of papers have been published...
Síđa 236 - ALFRED W. BOSWORTH. SUMMARY. A solution of calcium caseinate neutral to litmus and free from all other salts is not curdled by rennin. A solution of calcium caseinate acid to litmus, which contains two equivalents of base for each molecule of casein, is curdled by rennin. Solutions of ammonium, sodium or potassium caseinates are not curdled by rennin.
Síđa 493 - ... be perfectly clear at the start. If no deposit of barium carbonate forms on the surface of the drop within ten or fifteen minutes, it is a sure control that the apparatus is free from carbon dioxide.
Síđa 234 - The amino-acids appear, therefore, to be intermediate steps, not only in the synthesis, but in the breaking down of body proteins. Otherwise, in order to explain their maintenance in the tissues during starvation, one would be forced, contrary to the conclusions of all experimental work on the subject...

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