AND SOCIETY EDITED BY J. McKEEN CATTELL WITH THE COOPERATION OF W. CARSON RYAN, JR., AND RAYMOND WALTERS VOLUME XXIII JANUARY-JUNE, 1926 NEW YORK 1926 CONTENTS AND INDEX VOLUME XXIII-JANUARY-JUNE, 1926 NAMES OF CONTRIBUTORS ARE PRINTED IN SMALL CAPITALS ADAMS, J., New Individualism in Education, 742 Adult, Education, 120, 552; Population and the Age, Developmental, P. H. FURFEY, 183 Amish, and School Attendance, H. E. RYDER, 17 Apparatus which gives Tests and Scores, S. L. Appropriations, Commonwealth Fund, 137 ARMSTRONG, E. C., Humanistic and Social Sci., 453 Arts, The Colleges and Fine, A. M. BROOKS, 537 Attendance, School, and the Amish, H. E. RYDER, BAKER, C. A., Psychological and Educational Tests Barnard College, Alumnae of, 39 Becht, George J., A Tribute to, 8 BEURY, C. E., Temple University, 633 BIOLETTI, F. T., English Spelling, 754 BIZZELL, W. B., The State University, 185 "Black Hand" Scares in N. Y. City Schools, 809 BLAKE, K. D., Peace Workers at Geneva, 560 BOND, D., Humanities-Latin or English? 242 Book, W. F., Learning to typewrite, E. J. SWIFT, Books and Literature, 19, 82, 277, 339, 372, 524, BOONE, A. R., Constitution and Curriculum, 576 Bowdoin College, Undergraduate Report, 329 BOWERMAN, G. F., Municipal School and Library BREGMAN, E. O., Army Alpha Examination, 695 BREWER, J. M., Vocational Guidance, 62 BRONK, I., Amer. Assoc. of Univ. Women, 148 BROOKS, A. M., The Colleges and Fine Arts, 537 Brownell, H., and F. B. Wade, Teaching of Sci- Buchner, Edward Franklin, Research Fund, 551 C., Dr. Cellarius and the Moral Imperative, 209 CALDWELL, O. W., Place of the Sciences in Educa- tion, 217; Whose Audience is it?, 370 California Experiment, L. S. P., 275; Schools, Cambridge, Univ. of, and J. B. S. Haldane, 394 Camp, Walter, Memorial at Yale University, 581 Canadian National Conference on Education and Citizenship, 394; R. WALTERS, 528 Case School of Applied Science and Western Re- Catalogues, College, C. V. GOOD, 149 Catholic, Schools, Parochial, 40; in Mexico, 295; Enrollment, 358; Crime and Education, 674 Cellarius, Dr., and the Moral Imperative, C., 209 CHAMPLIN, C. D., Nat. University Problem, 305 Chapel, Compulsory, in Colleges, B. JOHNSON, 274 CHAPIN, F. S., Extra-Curricular Activities, 212 Chemical, Prize Essays, 38; Education, 425 Chicago, University of, Courses in Administration, 167; Public Schools, 395; Summer Session, 658; School Books, 712, 774; Library Sch., 713 Child, Labor Amendment, J. E. MORGAN, 17, H. H. Children, and Books, C. WASHBURNE and M. Vogel, 22; Problem, E. A. LINCOLN, 662; Education of, Church Boards of Education, Council of, 12 Clark, C. U., and J. B. Game, Latin Selections, G. Cleveland, O., Report of Superintendent of Schools, 167 COCKERELL, T. D. A., The Teacher's Dilemma, 337 COE, G. A., Moral Education, 505; College Chapel Collections in the Schools, F. P. GRAVES, 112 106, R. WALTERS, 631; T. A. DISTLER, 629; The |