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Síđa 112 - PROCESSES, AND COLLATERAL INFORMATION IN THE ARTS, MANUFACTURES, PROFESSIONS, AND TRADES, INCLUDING MEDICINE, PHARMACY, AND DOMESTIC ECONOMY ; designed as a General Book of Reference for the Manufacturer, Tradesman, Amateur, and Heads of Families.
Síđa 20 - Annals of Chemical Medicine ; including the Application of Chemistry to Physiology, Pathology, Therapeutics, Pharmacy, Toxicology, and Hygiene.
Síđa 93 - But from a theoretical as well as from a practical point of view...
Síđa 248 - For purposes of public health, the human body may be considered as such a substance, and we may conceive of a water containing such organisms, which may be as pure as can be as regards chemical analysis, and yet be as regards the human body as deadly as prussic acid.
Síđa 222 - President, in the Chair. AFTER the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and confirmed, the following certificates were read for the first time :— H.
Síđa 112 - Chemistry, Inorganic and Organic ; with Experiments. By CHARLES L. BLOXAM, Professor of Chemistry in King's College.
Síđa 189 - I can not procure a sufficient quantity of the above from the roads, I obtain the limestone itself and I cause the puddle or powder, or the limestone, as the case may be, to be calcined. I then take a specific quantity of argillaceous earth or clay...
Síđa 106 - When the carbon is set free from the hydrocarbon in presence of a stable compound containing nitrogen, the whole being near a red heat and under a very high pressure, the carbon is so acted upon by the nitrogen compound that it is obtained in the clear, transparent form of the diamond.
Síđa 140 - ... but was also passed through a tube containing anhydrous phosphoric acid. Having confirmed by new experiments the fact that ozone is formed by the action of the electrical spark on pure and dry oxygen, the author proceeds to institute a comparison between the properties of ozone derived from different sources. These he finds to be in every respect the same. Thus ozone, however prepared, is destroyed, or rather converted into ordinary oxygen, by exposure to a temperature of about 237° C., and...
Síđa 105 - ... tests carefully applied failed at any time to discover the presence of a liquid in contact with a gas. But against this view it may be urged, with great force, that the fact of additional pressure being always required for a further diminution of volume, is opposed to the known laws which hold in the change of bodies from the gaseous to the liquid state. Besides, the higher the temperature at which the gas is compressed, the less the fall becomes, and at last it disappears.

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