A Book of NonsenseRoutledge, 2. sep. 2003 - 240 síður From the benighted Old Man with a Beard to the erudite Perpendicular Purple Polly, Edward Lear's world is inhabited by a bewildering variety of oddities. One of the world's most loved writers, Lear's verse has delighted whole generations of readers. Here, after 140 years, is the original edition of A Book of Nonsense, from the original publishers. Complete with Lear's own remarkable illustrations, this treasure trove of nonsense is guaranteed to hold readers spellbound for generations more! |
From inside the book
Niðurstöður 1 - 5 af 7
Edward Lear. A BOOK NONSENSE . By NONSENS EDWARD LEAR FOTH EDITION , There So he made the ear an Old Derry down Derry , Bock , and w ROUTLEDGE A Book of Nonsense Derry ! LEDGE . A BOOK OP NONSENSE . BooM NONSENSE ear There was. Front Cover.
Edward Lear. A BOOK NONSENSE . By NONSENS EDWARD LEAR FOTH EDITION , There So he made the ear an Old Derry down Derry , Bock , and w ROUTLEDGE A Book of Nonsense Derry ! LEDGE . A BOOK OP NONSENSE . BooM NONSENSE ear There was. Front Cover.
Síða i
... , and with laughter they sok , at the fun LOND N : ROUTLEDGE , AND A Book of Nonsense own Derry ! LEDGE . BY EDWARD LEAR . FIFTH EDITION . ITH MANY NEW FICTURES AND VERSES . A Book of Nonsense " Surely the most beneficent and. Front Cover.
... , and with laughter they sok , at the fun LOND N : ROUTLEDGE , AND A Book of Nonsense own Derry ! LEDGE . BY EDWARD LEAR . FIFTH EDITION . ITH MANY NEW FICTURES AND VERSES . A Book of Nonsense " Surely the most beneficent and. Front Cover.
Síða iii
Edward Lear. Edward Lear A Book of Nonsense R ROUTLEDGE s s E London and New York First trade edition published 1861 by Routledge , Warne & A Book of Nonsense.
Edward Lear. Edward Lear A Book of Nonsense R ROUTLEDGE s s E London and New York First trade edition published 1861 by Routledge , Warne & A Book of Nonsense.
Síða iv
... edition © 2002 Routledge Typeset in Joanna by RefineCatch Limited , Bungay , Suffolk Printed and bound in Great Britain by TJ International Ltd , Padstow , Cornwall All rights reserved . No part of this book may be reprinted or ...
... edition © 2002 Routledge Typeset in Joanna by RefineCatch Limited , Bungay , Suffolk Printed and bound in Great Britain by TJ International Ltd , Padstow , Cornwall All rights reserved . No part of this book may be reprinted or ...
Síða v
... edition . With this view he proposed having the entire set of designs redrawn on wood , and he commissioned us to do this , also to engrave the blocks , print , and produce the book for him . When the work was nearly completed , he said ...
... edition . With this view he proposed having the entire set of designs redrawn on wood , and he commissioned us to do this , also to engrave the blocks , print , and produce the book for him . When the work was nearly completed , he said ...
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Abruzzi answer this bell Aôsta Apulia Bohemia Book of Nonsense Cape Horn Chertsey Coblenz conduct grew Corfu cured that Old daughter Derry Dorking edition Edward Lear Girl of Majorca grieved that Old horrible ideas were excessively Jamaica Kilkenny Lady of Bute Lady of Parma Lady of Poole Lady of Russia Lady of Turkey Lady of Wales Lucca Marseilles Moldavia nose Old Lady Old Person Person of Bangor Person of Buda Person of Burton Person of Cadiz Person of Cheadle Person of Chester Person of Chili Person of Crete Person of Cromer Person of Ems Person of Ewell Person of Gretna Person of Hurst Person of Ischia Person of Leeds Person of Prague Person of Rheims Person of Rhodes Person of Spain Person of Sparta Person of Tring Peru PUBLISHER'S NOTE purchased refreshed that Old replied rushed Ryde sate smashed that Old Smyrna virulent Bull Warne & Routledge Whitehaven Wrekin Young Lady