CLASSIFIED ADS АР DVERTISEMENTS under this head will be inserted at the rate of 5 conte per word each issue, plus 10c for forwarding replies. Cash in advance is asked, as the amount is too small to open a separate account. Answers may be sent n care of the WESTERN MEDICAL REVIEW, or direct to the advertiser. PHYSICIANS, ATTENTION!-Practices furnished and disposed of. Special plan. Drug stores (snaps); also drug stores and traveling jobs. Nurses, Veterinarians and Dentists furnished and located. All states. F. V. Kniest, R. P., Omaha, Nebr. Established 1904. BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKS-What do you need? Write the Western Medical Review Co. Tell us your wants if you would save money. SPECIAL NOTICE-We are very desirous getting hold of the following copies of the Western Medical Reviews and any one that may have one or more and will write the Western Medical Review Co., Omaha, will certainly be appreciated by us: 1896 Vol. I., Nos. 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12; 1897-Vol. II., Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6; 1898-Vol. III., Nos. 3, 4, 5; 1899 Vol. IV., Nos. 1 to 12, inclusive; 1901-Vol. VI., Nos. 4, 6; 1902 Vol. VII., Nos. 1 to 12, inclusive; 1903-Vol. VIII., Nos. 1, 3, 9. 1906 Vol. XI., No. 9. FOR SALE-NEW ROBINSON BATH CABINET. Take a Turkish Bath at your home. Address, Western Medical Review, 701 South 13th Street or phone Douglas 1290, Advertising Manager. MOTOR CYCLES-Can you use a new or good second hand motor cycle? If you are in the market and would save some money, address Adv. Mgr., Western Medical Review, 701 So. 13th St., Omaha. INSTRUCTION IN GERMAN-Conversation and Translation. MISS HELEN MACKIN, Room 19 Arlington Block, 15111⁄2 Dodge Street. Telephone Douglas 3084, Omaha, Nebr. FOR SALE $5.00 Meal Books for $4.00. Edwards Cafe, 304 N. 16th St., Omaha. WHEELER & WELPTON CO. RELIABLE INSURANCE ALL KINDS Phone Douglas 186 OMAHA 1511 Dodge Street Every kind of Bacteriological, Serological and Chemical examinations. made and report submitted immediately by letter, telephone or telegraph. Wasserman, Widal, Gonorrheal complement fixation, Abderhalden and Lange's Colloidal Gold Test. Tissue diagnosis and autogenous vaccines, sensitized or unsensitized. Apparatus and instructions for obtaining specimens sent on application. Water and Milk analysis. DR. MICHEAL G. WOHL, Pathologist Formerly Prof. of Pathology in the Temple University of Philadelphia PERFOTELT The Splint to Depend On Perforated Mouldable Splint-For Fractures, Wounds and Joint Injuries DESCRIPTION: A chemically prepared splint material that is hard and board-like, retains its rigidity indefinitely and holds its shape, becomes soft and pliable by hot water or an oven, immediately hardens when removed and moulded. VENTILATION: It is perforated to the extreme limit that will not weaken its retaining power; thus providing for radiation of inflammatory heat. RE-MOULDING: It may be re-adjusted to the varying changes of contour and size during the process of repair. ASEPSIS: Light-weight, efficient, clean and easily applied dressing. ing or in an oven. X-RAY: Sterilized by boil It does not interfere with X-ray confirmation after the dressing is completed. Prices right. Send for samples and literature today. Manufactured and supplied by NATIONAL PERFOFELT COMPANY 1043 Main St., Knoxville, Iowa. For Sale by THE HENRY R. GERING CO. OMAHA, THUYOL Thuyol-Indicated in Epithelioma and other sup- Thuyel Suppositories-Indicated in itching or WRITE FOR LITERATURE. The Henry R. Gering Co., Omaha DR. H. A. WAGGENER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Electrical Treatments, Baths, Massage Telephone Douglas 2459 Suite 418 Brandeis Building ОМАНА AN EFFICIENT FORMULA For the Treatment of Alcoholism Results Good Injurious Effects None In putting the FURLEY TREATMENT before the MEDICAL PROFESSION We know we can get for you the results you want without the former dangers of metallic poisoning and nerve degeneration. HYPODERMICS ARE NOT NECESSARY in any stage of the treatment. No Sedatives or depressing drugs are used. THE COMPLETE DISINTOXICATION of the system during treatment causes marked improvement in the condition of the bowels, circulation, liver, kidneys and rheumatic condition. The voracious appetite and consequent gain in weight are welcome results to our patients. ALL DOCTORS have complicated cases coupled with alcoholism in which they fail to get results. DOCTOR, we can help you with these problems. We have hospital facilities for our cases and all patients can be treated privately. For further information write THE FURLEY TREATMENT CO. 3157 Farnam Street OMAHA, NEBR. |