| 1913 - 1142 síđur
...Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station and the Carnegie Institution of Washington, DC 2 Osborne and Mendel: The Relation of Growth to the Chemical Constituents of the Diet, this Journal, xv, pp. 311-326, 1913. 423 phosphate, particles of casein, and accidental impurities... | |
 | 1913 - 1142 síđur
...Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station and the Carnegie Institution of Washington, DC 2 Osborne and Mendel: The Relation of Growth to the Chemical Constituents of the Diet, this Journal, xv, pp. 311-326, 1913. 423 phosphate, particles of casein, and accidental impurities... | |
 | Ernest Browning Forbes - 1914 - 806 síđur
...333-353. 1902a Osborne, Thomas B., and Isaac F. Harris: The Nucleic Acid of the Wheat Embryo, Ann. Kept. Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. for 1901, 365-430. 1902b Osborne,...Schweines und die Ernahrung der Ferkel, Landwirtsch. Jahrbiicher 37, 201-260. 1899 Oswald, Ad.: Die Eiweisskorper der Schilddruse, Zeit. physiol. Chem.... | |
 | 1914 - 708 síđur
...(Dtsch. med. Wochenschr. Jg. 39, Nr. 28,' S. 1357—1358.) 7, 230. Osborne, Thomas B., and Lafayette B. Mendel, The relation of growth to the chemical constituents of the diet. With the co-operation of Edna L. Ferry and Alfred J. Wakeman. (Die Bedeutung der chemischen Zusammensetzung... | |
 | Albert Prescott Mathews - 1915 - 1068 síđur
...of certain lipins in the diet during growth. Jour. Biol., Chem., 15, p. 167, 1913. 40. Oslorne and Mendel: The relation of growth to the chemical constituents of the diet. Jour. Biol. Chem., 15, p. 311, 1913; 16, p. 423, 1914; 17, p. 401. 41. Benedict: Experiment on a man... | |
 | 1915 - 754 síđur
...2, 1914. 120. WHEELER: Feeding experiments with mice; /. Exp. Zool., 15, 209, 1913. 121. OSBORNE and MENDEL: The relation of growth to the chemical constituents of the diet; /. Biol. Chem., 15, 311, 1913. 122. HART and McCoLLUM : Influence on growth of rations restricted to... | |
 | ALBERT P. MATHEWS, Ph.D. - 1916 - 1150 síđur
...of certain lipins in the diet during growth. Jour. Biol., Chom., 15, p. 167, 1913. 40. Osborne and Mendel: The relation of growth to the chemical constituents of the diet. Jour. Biol. Chem., 15. p. 311, 1913; 16, p. 423, 1914; 17, p. 401. 41. Benedict: Experiment on a man... | |
 | 1921 - 692 síđur
...experiments with isolated food substances. Carnegie Inst. of Wash., 1911. Pub. no. 156. (153) OSBOBNE AND MENDEL: The relation of growth to the chemical constituents of the diet. Journ. Biol. Chem., 1913, xv, 311. (154) OSBORNE AND MENDEL: The influence of butter fat on growth.... | |
 | 1921 - 696 síđur
...experiments with isolated food substances. Carnegie Inst. of Wash., 1911. Pub. no. 156. (153) OSBORNE AND MENDEL: The relation of growth to the chemical constituents of the diet. Journ. Biol. Chem., 1913, xv, 311. (154) OSBORNE AND MENDEL: The influence of butter fat on growth.... | |
 | Casimir Funk - 1922 - 508 síđur
...necessity of certain lipins in the diet during growth. J. Biol. Chem. 15, 67, 1913. 76. OSBORNE AND MENDEL: The relation of growth to the chemical constituents of the diet. J. Biol. Chem. 15, 311, 1913. 77. The same. The influence of butter-fat on growth. Ibid. 16, 423, 1913.... | |
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