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" ... while animals on the same ration, less the inorganic phosphates, collapsed in three months with loss of weight accompanied by a loss of the use of their limbs. 6. Determinations of calcium and phosphorus in the principal organs and tissues of the... "
Technical Series Bulletin - Síđa 325
eftir Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station - 1914
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Experiment Station Record, Bindi 21

United States. Office of Experiment Stations - 1910 - 1020 síđur
...weight accompanied by a loss of the use of their limbs. " Determinations of calcium and phosphorus in the principal organs and tissues of the animals on...phosphorus ration showed that they maintained the proportiou of these elements constant and comparable to that of normally fed pigs. " The percentage...
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American Journal of Physiology, Bindi 23

1908 - 436 síđur
...weight accompanied by a loss of the use of their limbs. 6. Determinations of calcium and phosphorus in the principal organs and tissues of the animals on...the depleted phosphorus ration was reduced to nearly one half that of pigs receiving a normal ration, or a phosphorus poor ration supplemented by an inorganic...
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Research Bulletin - Agricultural Experiment Station ..., Útgáfur 1-14

University of Wisconsin--Madison. Agricultural Experiment Station - 1909 - 518 síđur
...weight accompanied by a loss of the use of their limbs. 6. Determinations of calcium and phosphorus in the principal organs and tissues of the animals on...one-half that of pigs receiving a normal ration, or a phosphorus poor ration supplemented by an inorganic phosphate. 8. The marked reduction in the quantity...
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Experiment Station Record, Bindi 21

United States. Office of Experiment Stations - 1910 - 936 síđur
...constant and comparable to that of normally fed pigs. " The percentage of ash in the skeleton of piss on the depleted phosphorus ration was reduced to nearly...normal ration, or a phosphorus-poor ration supplemented liy an inorganic phosphate. " The marked reduction in the quantity of ash of the bones of the animal...
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Bulletin of the Bureau of Agricultural Intelligence and of Plant ..., Bindi 2

1911 - 1068 síđur
...phosphorus (in the principal organs and tissues/ constant and comparable to that of normally fed pigs. 6) The percentage of ash in the skeleton of pigs on the...one-half that of pigs receiving a normal ration, or a< ration poor in phosphorus but supplemented by an inorganic phosphate. 7) This marked reduction, together...
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Experiment Station Record, Bindi 21

United States. Office of Experiment Stations - 1910 - 1040 síđur
...weight accompanied by a loss of the use of their limbs. " Determinations of calcium and phosphorus in the principal organs and tissues of the animals on...constant and comparable to that of normally fed pigs. " The percentage of ash In the skeleton of pigs on the depleted phosphorus ration was reduced to nearly...
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Report of the Director, Bindi 25-26

University of Wisconsin. Agricultural Experiment Station - 1910 - 356 síđur
...weight accompanied by a loss of the use of their limbs. 6. Determinations of calcium and phosphorus in the principal organs and tissues of the animals on...one-half that of pigs receiving a normal ration, or a phosphorus poor ration supplemented by an inorganic phosphate. 8. The marked reduction in the quantity...
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Agricultural News

Commissioner of Agriculture for the West Indies - 1909 - 506 síđur
...weight accompanied by a loss of the use of their limbs. (6) Determinations of calcium and phosphorus in the principal organs and tissues of the animals on the low phosphorus ration showed that the}' maintained the proportion of these elements constant and comparable to that of normally fed pigs....
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