Technical Series Bulletin, Bindi 5-8

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Síða 686 - Soxhlet, Die chemischen Unterschiede zwischen Kuh- und Frauenmilch und die Mittel zu ihrer Ausgleichung.
Síða 592 - An Examination of the Methods for the Microchemical Detection of Phosphorus Compounds Other than Phosphates in the Tissues of Animals and Plants, Biological Bui.
Síða 609 - Atropin und Pilokarpin auf den Stoffwechsel, insbesondere auf die Ausscheidung von Stickstoff, Phosphorsaure und Harnsaure, Inaug.
Síða 27 - G, ammonia, sp. gr. 0.90; cover, and allow to stand over night. On the next morning filter, and wash the precipitate with 2.5 percent ammonia water. Dissolve the precipitate on the filter paper and that remaining in the beaker in which the precipitation was made with dilute nitric acid (1:1) and hot water, receiving the solution in 400 cc beakers. Neutralize the nitric acid with ammonia; make slightly acid with nitric acid; add 5 grams ammonium nitrate, and precipitate in the usual way with molybdate...
Síða 603 - Ueber die Reaktion der Kuh- und Frauenmilch und ihre Beziehungen zur Reaktion des Caseins und der Phosphate, Arch.
Síða 303 - ... greatly reduced flow of urine following a change from the unwashed bran to the washed bran ration, the reverse taking place when a reverse change was made.
Síða 585 - Wachstumsgeschwindigkeit des Säuglings zur Zusammensetzung der Milch beim Hunde, beim Schwein, beim Schaf, bei der Ziege und beim Meerschweinchen. Zeitschr. f. physiol. Chem. 27. 1899. S. 408 und 594. Die Verwendung verschiedenartiger Stickstoffquellen durch niedere Organismen. Emil Abderhaldeh und Peter Rona: Die Zusammensetzung des „Eiweißes" von Aspergillus niger bei verschiedener Stickstoffquelle.
Síða 664 - Osborne and Mendel: The Relation of Growth to the Chemical Constituents of the Diet, this Journal, xv, pp.
Síða 325 - ... while animals on the same ration, less the inorganic phosphates, collapsed in three months with loss of weight accompanied by a loss of the use of their limbs. 6. Determinations of calcium and phosphorus in the principal organs and tissues of the animals on the low phosphorus ration, showed that they maintained the proportion of these elements constant and comparable to that of normally fed pigs. 7. The percentage of ash in the skeleton of pigs on the depleted phosphorus ration was reduced to...
Síða 33 - ... Wash by decantation until the filtrate becomes colorless. The volume of the filtrate should not exceed 50-75 ml. The residue should be golden yellow. It is not necessary to transfer the precipitate to the filter paper. Dry the dish and filter paper for a few minutes to remove the adhering alcohol. Dissolve the precipitate on the filter paper and that remaining in the dish with hot water. Transfer to a 150-ml. beaker, dilute to about 75 ml., add 1 ml. of HC1 and 0.5 g. of magnesium ribbon for...

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