Discourse: Berkeley Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture, Bindi 33,Útgáfa 2Indiana University Press, 2011 |
From inside the book
Niðurstöður 1 - 3 af 24
Síða 158
... barebacking . My attention to the more nebulous domain of barebacking , in which its practitioners do not understand their sexual identity as in part figured by unsafe sex , distinguishes itself from other accounts that mostly ...
... barebacking . My attention to the more nebulous domain of barebacking , in which its practitioners do not understand their sexual identity as in part figured by unsafe sex , distinguishes itself from other accounts that mostly ...
Síða 174
... barebacking : “ anal sex , no condom , on purpose . In 2009 , a similar study was conducted wherein psychologists asked urban gay men to define barebacking . Like in Halkitis's study , a majority of these men perceived barebacking as ...
... barebacking : “ anal sex , no condom , on purpose . In 2009 , a similar study was conducted wherein psychologists asked urban gay men to define barebacking . Like in Halkitis's study , a majority of these men perceived barebacking as ...
Síða 175
... barebacking need not necessarily entail the ascription of an identificatory model . The gay community's deformation of an identity intrinsic to barebacking can be thought of as queer . Lee Edelman instructs us that " the queer must ...
... barebacking need not necessarily entail the ascription of an identificatory model . The gay community's deformation of an identity intrinsic to barebacking can be thought of as queer . Lee Edelman instructs us that " the queer must ...
The Meaning of Life MAY 03 | 135 |
Barebacking the Queer Male Subject and | 156 |
Waking Life and the Digital Aesthetics | 184 |
Höfundarréttur | |
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abstract space Agamben's AIDS Andrew Niccol animation argues Artaud barebacking becomes biological biopolitics biopower body without organs capitalism cinema color concept condom contemporary critical critique culture Deleuze and Guattari Deleuze's Derrida digital aesthetics discourse economy essay Eugene experience expression film theory film's Foucault Gattaca gay community gay male geisha genealogical genetic Gilles Deleuze HIV/AIDS Homo oeconomicus Homo Sacer homosexual human Ibid identity immanence inorganic intensity Kracauer Lebensphilosophie living Lukács Lukács's machine Marxist Massumi Michael Michel Foucault mobilized movement necropolitics neoliberal notion plane of immanence political postracial potential proprioceptive queer race refer referential networks relation representation rhetoric rotoscoping schizoanalysis sensation sense sexual Shaviro signifying social space of flows spatial spectatorship synesthesia temporal Theater of Cruelty Theory of Film Thousand Plateaus tion Tomso trans transvaluation University Press Vincent virtual viscerality visual Waking Life's Worringer Worringer's writing York zoê