Chemical News and Journal of Industrial Science, Bindi 76

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Chemical news office, 1897

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Síđa 70 - What song the Syrens sang, or what name Achilles assumed when he hid himself among women, though puzzling questions, are not beyond all conjecture.
Síđa 111 - ... in connection with the special courses of lectures on Applied Chemistry. In the Chemistry and Physics laboratories the practical work in the second year will be arranged in accordance with the branch of Chemistry selected by the candidate. In the third year the student, if sufficiently advanced, will be set to work on some analytical process or problem in Applied Chemistry, under the direction of the teaching staff. The successful completion of such an investigation in the University will entitle...
Síđa 114 - There are Four Royal Scholarships, of the value of .Ł50 each, yearly, with Free Education, including Laboratory Instruction, tenable for two years. Two become Vacant each year. They are given to Students who have been a year in the College.
Síđa 176 - QUESTIONS ON CHEMISTRY. A Series of Problems and Exercises in Inorganic and Organic Chemistry. By FRANCIS JONES, FRSE, FCS, Chemical Master in the Grammar School, Manchester. Fcap. 8vo. y. ANATOMY. LESSONS IN ELEMENTARY ANATOMY. By ST'.
Síđa 127 - A Manual of Chemistry, Theoretical and Practical. By WILLIAM A. TILDEN, D.Sc., FRS, Professor of Chemistry in the Royal College of Science, London ; Examiner in Chemistry to the Department of Science and Art. With 2 Plates and 143 Woodcuts, crown 8vo, los.
Síđa 4 - Some diamonds are fluorescent, appearing milky in sunlight. In a vacuum, exposed to a high-tension current of electricity, diamonds phosphoresce of different colours, most South African diamonds shining with a bluish light. Diamonds from other localities emit bright blue, apricot, pale blue, red, yellowish green, orange, and pale green light. The most phosphorescent diamonds are those which are fluorescent in the sun. One beautiful green diamond in...
Síđa 104 - This Course will be found suitable for those about to proceed to graduation as Bachelor of Science in London University, and to those who intend to choose Chemistry as a profession. Such students should also work in the Laboratory during as many hours as they can spare. Organic Chemistry.
Síđa 67 - When speculations on the long series of events which occurred in the glacial and post-glacial periods are indulged in, the imagination is apt to take alarm at the immensity of the time required to interpret the monuments of these ages, all referable to the era of existing species. In order to abridge the number of : centuries which would otherwise be indispensable, a disposition is shown by many to magnify the rate of change in prehistoric times by investing the causes which have modified the animate...
Síđa 110 - Senate may, under exceptional circumstances, and on the recommendation of the Professor, exempt candidates from attendance on the first year's course, but all candidates will be required to satisfy the Examiners in the subjects of the course. The first year's course is the same for all students working for the Certificate. In the second and third years a choice may be made between Inorganic and Organic Chemistry. By this division of the subject...
Síđa 25 - Kimberley the pipes are filled with a geological plum pudding of heterogeneous character — agreeing, however, in one particular. The appearance of shale and fragments of other rocks shows that the melange has suffered no great heat in its present condition, and that it has been erupted from great depths by the agency of water vapour or some similar gas. How is this to be accounted for ? It must be borne in mind I start with the reasonable supposition that at a sufficient depth* there were masses...

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