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5 Biochemical Bulletin

Edited, for the Columbia University Biochemical Association, by

Herman M. Adler,
John S. Adriance,
David Alperin,
Carl L. Alsberg.
D. B. Armstrong,
George Baehr,
J. C. Baker,
Louise C. Ball,
Charles W. Ballard,
Louis Baumann,
George D. Beal,
S. R. Benedict,
William N. Berg,
Josephine T. Berry,
Robert Bersohn,
Isabel Bevier,
Louis E. Bisch,
A. Richard Bliss,
Ernst Boas,

Helene M. Boas,
Charles F. Bolduan,
Samuel Bookman,
Sidney Born,
O. C. Bowes,
William B. Boyd,
J. Bronfenbrenner,
Jean Broadhurst,
H. E. Buchbinder,
Leo Buerger,
Gertr. Burlingham,
J. G. M. Bullowa,
R. Burton-Opitz,
A. M. Buswell,
R. P. Calvert,
A. T. Cameron,
Herbert S. Carter,
Russell L. Cecil,
Arthur F. Chace,
Hardee Chambliss,
Ella H. Clark,
Ernest D. Clark,
Alfred E. Cohn,
Kath. R. Coleman,
Helen C. Coombs,
Burrill B. Crohn,
Glen E. Cullen,
Louis J. Curtman,
William D. Cutter,
C. A. Darling,
William Darrach,
Norman E. Ditman,
Ula M. Dow,
Eugene F. DuBois,

William J. Gies,

James G. Dwyer,
Fred'k Eberson.
Walter H. Eddy,
D. J. Edwards,
Gustave Egloff,
A. D. Emmett,
Allan C. Eustis,
Benj. G. Feinberg,
Ruth S. Finch,
Harry L. Fisher,
Mabel P. FitzGerald,
Nellis B. Foster,
Fred D. Fromme,
C. Stuart Gager,
Mary C. de Garmo,
Helen Gavin,
Mary E. Gearing,
George A. Geiger,
Samuel Gitlow,

A. J. Goldfarb,

H. D. Goodale,
H. B. Goodrich,
F. G. Goodridge,
Ross A. Gortner,
Mark J. Gottlieb,
Isidor Greenwald,
James C. Greenway,
Louise H. Gregory,
Beatrix Gross,
Abraham Gross,
B. C. Gruenberg,
Marston L. Hamlin,
Frederic M. Hanes,
R. F. Hare,
Tula L. Harkey,
T. Stuart Hart,
E. Newton Harvey,
P. B. Hawk,
Harold M. Hays,
M. Heidelberger,
Joseph S. Hepburn,
Alfred F. Hess,
L. J. Hirshleifer,
Mildred A. Hoge,
Karl J. Holliday,
Wm. T. Horne,
Byron B. Horton,
Homer D. House,
Frank T. Hughes,
Louis Hussakof,
Roscoe R. Hyde,
Henry H. Janeway,
Max Kahn,

John L. Kantor,
Edw. C. Kendall,
J. E. Kirkwood,
Israel J. Kligler,
Arthur Knudson,
Mathilde Koch,
Walter M. Kraus,
Alfred H. Kropff,
A. V. S. Lambert,
Marguerite T. Lee,
Victor E. Levine,
Sidney Liebovitz,
Charles C. Lieb,
Mabel C. Little,
B. E. Livingston.
Leon Loewe,
Alfred P. Lothrop,
Daniel R. Lucas,
Wm. H. McCastline,
Mary G. McCormick,
Louise McDanell,
Jas. P. McKelvy,
Alice H. McKinney,
Grace MacLeod,
C. A. Mathewson,
H. A. Mattill,
Clarence E. May,
Gustave M. Meyer,
Sergius Morgulis,
Max Morse,
Agnes F. Morgan,
H. O. Mosenthal,
J. Howard Mueller,
Hermann J. Muller,
Archibald E. Olpp.
B. S. Oppenheimer,
R. C. Osburn,
Reuben Ottenberg,
Charles Packard,
A. M. Pappenheimer,
Edwards A. Park,
Olive G. Patterson,
Almeda Perry,
W. H. Peterson,
Louis Pine,
Helene M. Pope,
E. R. Posner,
P. W. Punnett,
Jessie Moore Rahe,
A. N. Richards,
Anna E. Richardson,
Winifred J. Robinson, Anna B. Yates,
David E. Roelkey,
Hans Zinsser,

Anton R. Rose,
Jacob Rosenbloom,
William Salant,
W. S. Schley,
Oscar M. Schloss,
H. von W. Schulte,
Fred W. Schwartz,
C. A. Schwarze,
Emily C. Seaman,
Fred J. Seaver,
A. D. Selby,
A. Franklin Shull,
J. Buren Sidbury,
C. Hendee Smith,
Clayton S. Smith,
Edward A. Spitzka,
Matthew Steel,
Ralph G. Stillman,
Chas. R. Stockard,
Edward C. Stone,
Mary E. Sweeny,
Arthur W. Thomas,
Helen B. Thompson,
M. K. Thornton,
Grover Tracy,
F. T. Van Buren,
Eliz. G. Van Horne,
Philip Van Ingen,
Chas. H. Vosburgh,
D. M. Ward,
Hardolph Wasteneys,
Edwin D. Watkins,
William Weinberger.
F. S. Weingarten,
J. W. Weinstein,
Charles Weisman,
William H. Welker,
C. A. Wells,
Harry Wessler,
Isabel Wheeler,
H. L. White,
Geo. H. Whiteford,
David D. Whitney,
Ethel Wickwire,
Herbert B. Wilcox,
Guy W. Wilson,
Louis E. Wise,
William H. Woglom,
L. L. Woodruff,
I. O. Woodruff,
H. E. Woodward,

and the executive editorial sub-committee:
Edgar G. Miller, Jr., Chairman,
Benjamin Horowitz, Paul E. Howe.


William A. Perlzweig

Entered as second-class matter in the Post Office at Lancaster, Pa,


Future issues of the Biochemical Bulletin

Pursuant to a further change of plan, which is referred to editorially on page 270, this (March) number is the first issue of Volume IV of the BIOCHEMICAL BULLETIN. Hereafter, the volumes of the BIOCHEMICAL BULLETIN will coincide, in periodicity, with the calendar years, instead of the academic years as heretofore. The new plan will enable us to issue the quarterly numbers promptly hereafter.-in March, June, September and December.

Professional assistance offered to Biological Chemists

The members of the Columbia University Biochemical Association will coöperate confidentially with any one who desires the services of biological chemists or who seeks a position in biological chemistry.

Address inquiries to William J. Gies, 437 West 59th St., New York.

The BIOCHEMICAL BULLETIN is a quarterly biochemical review. It publishes results of original investigations in biological chemistry, preliminary reports of investigations, addresses, lectures, criticism, reviews, abstracts of papers, practical suggestions, biographical notes, historical summaries, bibliographies, quotations, questions, news items, proceedings of societies, personalia, views on current events in chemical biology, descriptions of new substances, methods and apparatus, any and all suitable items of personal and professional interest to chemical biologists.

Subscription prices: Vol. I, $6.00; vol. II, $5.00; vol. III, $4.50; vol. IV, $2.75 ($3.00, foreign).

Address remittances, manuscripts and correspondence to the Managing Editor, William J. Gies, 437 West 59th St., New York.



experience and interest in research on enzymes, desires a permanent position in this kind of work.

7. Biochemist, Ph.D., long training and experience in agricult. chem., desires position of greater opportunity for research in same field. Salary desired, $2,500.

9. Instructor in bacteriology, Ph.D., now teaching (a) general bacteriology, (b) water, milk and food bacteriology, and (c) bacteriological chemistry, seeks more advanced position, combining opportunity in research with teaching.

11. Biochemist, M.S., now a candidate for Ph.D. in western univ., who has specialized in food and bacteriological chem., and is teaching chem., desires a teaching or research position in any of these fields.


14. Expert entomologist, who cently has taken courses in biochem, desires an opportunity to conduct biochem. research in entomology, as a Ph.D. student, under suitable financial conditions.


This page will be reserved for the publication of personal and professional

items relative to biochemical "positions wanted," "positions vacant," and positions." Items of this character will be received from any and all who may be interested, and will be published free of charge.

Address communications in this connection to William J. Gies, 437 West 59th St., New York City, by whom all details will be regarded confidentially, whether that attitude is formally requested or not; and by whom correspondents will be promptly put directly in touch with each other, unless he is requested to act as confidential intermediary.

New positions

1. Pathological chemist wanted by two physicians. Salary $150 per month. State qualifications.

2. Bacteriological chemist wanted to coöperate in dental and oral research. Salary to accord with training and ability. State qualifications.

13. "Oil chemist" wanted in industrial laboratory. Good salary for man thoroly trained, with wide experience.

16. An agric. coll. proposes to ascertain "what constitutes food value in milk"; will employ a trained biochemist, conduct the work. Salary, $2,000.

24. Services of a biochemist desired, in a hospital, in research on a nutritional disease. Salary, $1,500.

25. Two important technical lab's want services of several well trained biochemists at good salaries.

26. Bacteriol. chemist wanted to assist, in a univ. lab., in research on the nature and chem. properties of fecal enzymes.

Positions vacant

15. Southern coll. wants new prof. of "chem. and biology." State qualifications and salary desired.

17. Agric. coll. wants a new prof. of chem., to give instruction in food chem., physiol. chem., and toxicol. Opportunity for research. Salary, $1,500.

20. Western sch. of med. wants new instr. in chem., to give instruction in org. chem. and physiol. chem. Opportunity for research. State qualifications and salary desired.

22. Western univ. wants new instr. and new assist. in biochem. State qualifications and salary desired.

Positions wanted

18. Graduate of Austrian and German univ's; an investigator at Pasteur Inst. (Paris); a teacher, in an Amer. univ., of pathol. and bacteriol.; recently investigator in chem. biology; desires "good position" involving either teaching or research, or both, in biochem.

19. Amer. biochem., specially trained also in Germany, recently an instr. in Amer. univ., now in the gov't service, desires position combining teaching duties and research opportunity.

21. Teacher of biochem, in woman's med. coll, desires larger opportunity for teaching and research in biochemistry. 23. Nine biochemists, who recently completed Ph.D. work, desire "good positions."

5. Biochemist, Ph.D., with special Positions 3, 4, 6, 8 and 10, referred to on this page in the last previous issue, have been filled.



S. J. Meltzer, President







Sergius Morgulis. 146

I. Is aluminium absorbable from bread, and similar food products, made with alum baking powder? William J. Gies

2. A comparison of the method proposed by the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists as modified by Steel, with that described by Schmidt and Hoagland, for the determination of aluminium in organic material. Paul E. Howe

3. A study of the methods for the quantitative determination of aluminum in blood. L. J. Curtman and P. Gross


4. The determination of aluminum in the presence of iron and organic matter. Matthew Steel





5. The determination of aluminium in biological material: a comparison of the method of Steel (modified by Kahn) with the method of Schmidt and Hoagland Clarence A. Smith and Philip B. Hawk... 183

6. Comment on the data in the preceding papers (2-5) on the best available method for the quantitative determination of aluminium in biological materials. William J. Gies

7. A direct test of the degree of accuracy of the Schmidt-Hoagland method for the quantitative determination of aluminium.


Arnold K. Balls 195


P. A. Ellis Richards and E. Richards Bolton, Secretaries. 203

ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. Paul E. Howe and collaborators
1. Society of Public Analysts and other Analytical Chemists.

2. Biochemical Society, England. R. H. A. Plimmer, Sec'y 3. Miscellaneous items of biochemical interest



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The BIOCHEMICAL BULLETIN is a monthly biochemical review. It publishes results of original investigations in biological chemistry, preliminary reports of researches, addresses, lectures, criticism, reviews, abstracts of papers, practical suggestions, biographical notes, historical summaries, bibliographies, quotations, questions, news items, proceedings of societies, personalia, views on current events in chemical biology, descriptions of new substances, methods and apparatus-any and all suitable items of personal and professional interest to students, investigators and practitioners of biochemistry.

Subscription prices: Vol. I, $6.00; vol. II, $5.00; vol. III, $4.50; vol. IV, $3.50; vol. V, $2.75 ($3.00, foreign).

Address remittances to the Biochemical Bulletin, 41 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa., or 437 West 59th St., New York; manuscripts and miscellaneous correspondence to the Managing Editor, William J. Gies, 437 West 59th St., New York.

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