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by Prof. Cohen should be tested bacteriologically by Dr. Dakin, and that the most promising should be tried clinically by Dr. Carrel.

"At about the same time, under the auspices of the English med. research commit., a similar research by Prof. Lorrain Smith, with the assistance of Prof. Drennan of the Univ. of Otago, N. Z., Dr. Rettie, a chemical expert, and Lieut. W. Campbell of the British army med. corps, was undertaken in the Univ. of Edinburgh. Their results were reported in the British Med. Jour. The substance which they prepared was made by rubbing chlorinated lime to a fine powder and mixing it with an equal weight of powdered boric acid. The ideal antiseptic for the field, they concluded, was a dry powder to be applied direct, which, it was believed, has advantage over a sol. because it is more portable, and water is often not procurable.

"Chlorinated lime, the basis of the so-called new antiseptic preparation, is well known as a powerful disinfectant. Its alkalinity, however, makes it destructive to living tissues except in dilute sol. The same may be said of sol. of chlorinated potash (Javelle water), which has been largely used by French surgeons in the present war, and of sol. of chlorinated soda (Labarraque's sol.). The advantage claimed for the new mixture is that the preparation, being practically neutral and unirritating to the tissues, may be applied in greater strength than that in which it is possible to use chlorinated lime, Javelle water or Labarraque's sol. Experiments indicate also that the germicidal activity of chlorinated lime is increased by such treatment of the calcium hypochlorite as has been described. Such increase in germicidal activity is generally attributed to the liberation of hypochlorous acid. It has been found that the activity of ordinary bleaching powder is greatly increased by passing through it carbonic acid gas. Any other acid, as boric acid, will do as well.

"From the chem. point of view, therefore, there is nothing new in this method. That the practical application of such a mixture is not wholly new is proved by an earlier article published by Vincent. 10 He suggested the application to ulcerating and gangrenous wounds

Brit. Med. Jour., July 24, 1915, p. 129; abstr., Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc., Aug. 21, 1915, p. 744.

10 Vincent: Presse méd., 1914, xxii, No. 70; abstr., Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc., Nov. 28, 1914, p. 1986.

of a mixture of chlorinated lime and boric acid. EDITORIAL: Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc., 1915, lxv, p. 880.

Miscellaneous items. "Chemical Abstracts will be the only complete record of chemical research reported during the war period." E. J. Crane: J. Ind. and Eng. Chem., 1915, vii, p. 465.

A deputation from the Royal Soc. and the Chem. Soc. was received by the pres't of the Boards of Trade and Educ., in London, May 6. The dep. was introduced by Sir Wm. Crookes, pres't of the Royal Soc. Prof. W. H. Perkins, Sir Wm. Tilden, Prof. P. Frankland, Prof. W. J. Pope and Dr. M. O. Forster spoke in support of memorials from the two societies, indicating the steps which might be taken immediately to improve the status and efficiency of the chemical industries and those engaged in them in the United Kingdom.

I. General notes

Honors. HON. DEGREES. Drs. R. H. Chittenden and S. J. Meltzer were among the distinguished biologists who received the hon. degree of LL.D. on the occasion (Apr. 30) of the dedication of the new buildings of Washington Univ. Med. Sch., St. Louis.

MEDALS. At the last annual commencement of the N. Y. Coll. of Dental and Oral Surgery (June 8), Dr. Louise C. Ball was the recipient of three medals and one "honorable mention," as follows: Clarkson Cowl Gold Medal (highest award), for the best average stand in the final exam's in the full course for three successive years in the Coll.; Operative Dentistry Medal, for the highest mark in the final exam. in operative dentistry; Chemistry Medal, for the best thesis in dental chemistry; Sanger Medal, first hon. mention (second in rank), for the best work in theoretical and practical prosthetic dentistry, during three successive years in the Coll. At the commencement in 1914, Dr. Ball received the only medals offered to juniors: Faculty Medal, for the highest marks in the final exam's of the jr. year; Oral Surgery Medal, for the best thesis on suppuration. Dr. Ball is vice-pres. of the class of 1915, which has 77 members.

SILLMAN BIOCHEM. SOC. Members of the soph. class, Coll. of Med., Baylor Univ., have organized the Sillman Biochemical Society, which is named in honor of Prof. Maxwell Sillman. The society's object is the study of the relationships between the med. sciences and chemistry, and to stimulate biochem. investigation in general. The officers for the next academic year are: Pres., W. W. Looney; vice-p., H. L. Farmer; sec-treas., W. N. Bunkley.

Appointments. 11 Albany Med. Coll.: Arthur Knudson, assis. prof., biol. chem. (prom.).

Coll. City New York: L. J. Curtman, assis. prof., chem. (prom.). Fordham Univ., Med. Sch.: D. R. Lucas, lab. assis., physiol. Iowa State Coll. (Ames): Helen Monsch, head, Dep't of Foods.

N. Y. State Dep't of Health (Albany), Div. of Lab's and Research: Tula L. Harkey (Nat'l Path. Lab., N. Y. City), lab. assis., bacteriol.

Rockefeller Inst. Med. Research: M. Heidelberger, assoc., chem. (prom.).

Univ., Cal.: H. A. Mattill (Univ., Utah), assis. prof., nutrition. Univ., Neb., Coll. of Med. (Omaha): Max Morse (Univ.,

Wis.), assis. prof., biochem.

Vassar Coll.: Cora J. Beckwith, assoc. prof., zoology (prom.). Va. Agric. Exp. Sta'n (Blacksburg): F. D. Fromme (Purdue Univ., Agric. Exp. Sta'n), plant pathologist and bacteriologist. West. Maryland Coll. (Westminster): P. W. Punnett, prof., chem, and biol.

Dental graduates. At the recent commencement of the N. Y. Coll. of Dental and Oral Surgery, the degree of D.D.S. was conferred on Louise C. Ball and Siegfried J. Nilson.

Associations and societies. 12 OFFICERS-ELECT. Medical Brotherhood: Pres., S. J. Meltzer; councilor, N. B. Foster; hon. pres., R. H. Chittenden; members of advis. commit., C. L. Alsberg, John Howland, L. B. Mendel.

Sigma Xi (Yale Chapt.): L. L. Woodruff, pres.
MEMBERS-ELECT. Amer. Philosoph. Soc.: P. B. Hawk.
Nat'l Acad. Sciences: Alexander Smith.

Sigma Xi (Columbia Chapt.) : Louise H. Gregory, E. G. Griffin,

11 See also page 456.

12 See also page 457.

J. H. Northrup, H. H. Plough, George Scatchard, A. P. Tanberg, J. R. Tuttle.

Soc. Exp. Biol. and Med.: George M. Baehr, D. J. Edwards. Miscellaneous items. In his capacity as sec'y of the Assoc. of Off. Agric. Chem., Dr. C. L. Alsberg is a member of the ed. commit. of the newly founded Journal of that Assoc.

Dr. Geo. D. Beal is one of the members of the ed. board of The Register of Phi Lambda Upsilon; also of The Illinois Chemist.

Dr. G. Delgado Palacios, prof. of pathol. chem., Univ. of Caracas and member of the Venezuelan Acad. of Med., is a visitor in this country and temporarily engaged here in chemical work. Address: 118 East 116th St., N. Y. City. See page 278.

The Texas Public Health Assoc. has appointed Dr. L. B. Bibb, of Austin, to secure the coöperation of other agencies in the State to undertake a thorough experimental investigation of the value of cottonseed meal as human food. Miss Anna E. Richardson, of the Domestic Economy Dep't, Univ. of Texas, has been appointed a member of this Commit., and, with the coöperation of Miss Helen S. Green, has undertaken to investigate the nutritive value of cottonseed meal. The work is being carried on by metabolism experiments and extensive feeding of small animals.

Dr. F. C. Phillips, emer. prof. of chem., Univ. of Pittsburgh, was recently the guest of his pupils at a testimonial dinner, in Pittsburgh, when he was presented by them with a gift of $1,000. The movement that culminated in this cordial expression of affection for Prof. Phillips was inaugurated by Dr. Jacob Rosenbloom during his term of office in the Columbia Biochem. Dep't.

The directors of the Retail Drygoods Assoc. of N. Y. City have voted to establish a Commit. on Health and Sanitation, to coöperate with the N. Y. Dep't of Health in protecting the health of the 50,000 employees of the retail drygoods stores in N. Y. City. The owners of large department stores are planning to secure and maintain the best working conditions for those in their employ. The Bur. of Public-Health Educ., under the direction of Dr. C. F. Bolduan, will establish a course of lectures and a publicity campaign for the purpose of teaching employees how to be sanitary and healthy.

2. Proceedings of the Association
Edgar G. Miller, Jr., Secretary

Twenty-third (sixth annual) meeting. The concluding quarterly meeting of the Assoc., for 1914-'15, was held in the Library of the Columbia Med. Sch., May 28, at 8 p. m. This meeting followed an informal dinner at 6.30 in the same room, which was greatly enjoyed by all in attendance.

The feature of the program was Dr. C. F. Bolduan's interesting discussion of the "Educational lunch room," conducted by the Bur. of Public-Health Educ. of the Dep't of Health, N. Y. City, of which Dr. Bolduan is director. Abstracts of the papers comprising the biochem. proc. will be published in the next number of the BIOCHEM. BULL. The matters of public interest in the exec. proc. are noted below.

The commit. "to endeavor to quicken the interest of Amer. med. men" in the proposed "Medical Brotherhood," organization of which was suggested by Dr. Meltzer at the fourth annual dinner (pages 263, 267 and 292), was appointed as follows: S. J. Meltzer, chairman; Carl L. Alsberg, Nellis B. Foster, Wm. J. Gies, A. J. Goldfarb, Alfred F. Hess, Lafayette B. Mendel.

The time for the recurrent annual meeting was changed from that of the last regular meeting of the academic year to that of the last regular meeting of the calendar year.

It was voted to reëlect the present officers, to serve until the election of their successors at the regular Dec. meeting. (The list of officers was printed on page 228.)

The register of members of the Assoc., as published by the sec'y in No. 13 of the BIOCHEM. BULL., was made the official role of membership to date.

Miss Hattie L. Heft was unanimously elected assis. sec'y for the term ending Dec., 1915.

The next regular meeting of the Assoc. will be held on Dec. 3.

3. Columbia Biochemical Department

Appointments. FROM THE STAFF. Dr. Arthur D. Emmett, instr. in this dep't during the past year, has been reappointed assis. chief, animal nutr., Agric. Exp. Station, Univ. of Ill., Urbana.

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