Blackman, A. Chaston Chapman, W. A. Davis, A. E. Garrod, W. D. Halliburton, T. A. Henry, W. H. Hurtley, G. W. Monier-Williams, J. Lorrain Smith, H. M. Vernon, T. B. Wood. VI. LIST OF THE MEMBERS ELECTED SINCE THE PUBLICATION, IN THE BIOCHEMICAL BULLETIN, OF THE ORIGINAL LIST OF MEMBERS3 ANREP, DR. G. VON, Univ. College, London, W. C. ATKIN, DR. E. E., Lister Institute, Chelsea Gardens, London, S. W. Queen Square, Bloomsbury, W.C. CULLIS, MISS WINIFRED, D.Sc., London Sch. of Med. for Women, 8 Hunter St., London, W.C. DAISH, A. J., Esq., Rosemount, Tennyson Road, Harpenden, Herts. DRUMMOND, J. C., Esq., B.Sc., Cancer Hosp. Research Inst., Bromp ton, London, S.W. DUDLEY, DR. H. W., The University, Leeds. EDIE, E. S., Esq., B.Sc., The University, Aberdeen. EULER, PROF. H. VON, Stockholms Högskola, Stockholm, Sweden. FINLOW, R. S., Esq., B.Sc., Dacca, Bengal, India. FRASER, MISS MARY T., B.Sc., 18 The Park, Ealing, W. GINSBERG, DR. W., Dahlmannstrasse 1, Kiel, Germany. GRAHAM, DR. G., 17 Bentinck Street, Manchester Square, London, W. GRUNER, DR. O. C., 29 Park Square, Leeds. HARMAN, H. W., Esq., 24 Holborn Viaduct, London, E.C. HARRIS, PROF. D. FRASER, Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S. HINKS, E., Esq., F.I.C., 16 Southwark Street, London, S.E. 3 BIOCHEMICAL BULLETIN, 1913, ii, p. 447. HORTON, E., Esq., B.Sc., Rothamsted Experimental Station, Har penden, Herts. HOSEASON, J. H., Esq., 2 Bridge Street, Manchester. LAIDLAW, C. G. P., Esq., 3 More's Garden, Chelsea, London, S.W. LEATHES, PROF. J. B., F.R.S., University, Sheffield. LEFEBURE, V., Esq., B.Sc., 25 Belitha Villas, Bransbury, London, N. NEWTON, L. O., Esq., 41 Bennett Park, Blackheath, Kent. POULTON, DR. E. P., 24 St. Thomas's Street, London Bridge, S.E. ROBERTS, F. F., Esq., M.A., Clare College, Cambridge. ROBINSON, FRED'K., Esq., M.Sc., The Hollies, Mile End, Stockport. ROBISON, DR. R., 78 Primrose Mansions, Battersea Park, London, S.W. SCOTT, PROF. F. H., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, U. S. A'. STEAD, A., Esq., Grootfontein Sch. of Agric., Middleburg, Cape Province, S. Afr. STEELE, V., Esq., 55 Amersham Road, New Cross, London, S.E. STEPHENSON, MISS MARJORY, Univ. College, Gower Street, London. W.C. SURVEYOR, DR. N. M., 145 Queen's Road, Bombay, India. TREVAN, J. W., Esq., M.B., St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London, E.C. TRIBE, MRS. ENID M., B.Sc., London Sch. of Med. for Women, 8 Hunter St., London, W. C. WAGER, HAROLD, Esq., F.R.S., Hendre, West Park, Leeds. WARNER, C. H., Esq., F.I.C., 24 Gordon Street, Gordon Square, London, W.C. WIDDOWS, MISS SIBYL T., B.Sc., Braeside, Beaconsfield Road, London, S.E. WILLIAMS, DR. R. STENHOUSE, University College, Reading. WINFIELD, G., Esq., 31 Panton Street, Cambridge. University College, London. AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Division of Biological Chemistry, New Orleans, La., March 31-April 3, 1915.1 REPORTED BY PAUL E. HOWE The American Chemical Society held its fiftieth meeting in New Orleans, La., March 31-April 3, 1915. The Division of Biological Chemistry held its meeting at the Hotel Grunewald, on April 2nd. The following papers were presented: C. L. Alsberg: Control of cotton-seed products.-C. C. Bass: Emetine, the specific remedy for pyorrhæa alveolaris. Charles Mann: Saw palmetto, a biochemical study.-E. R. Miller and J. M. Moseley: Volatile oils of some species of Solidago.-E. R. Miller: Volatile oils of several species of Eupatorium; Volatile oil of Achillea millefolium L; Some volatile oils from the genus Pycnanthemum.-W. J. V. Osterhout: Artificial photosynthesis by chlorophyl. -W. E. Tottingham: Rôle of chlorin in plant nutrition.-G. S. Fraps: Nitrification studies.-C. B. Lipman: The form of nitrogen in nitrogenous materials as an index to nitrifiability.-M. X. Sullivan: Formation of creatinin by bacteria; Amount of creatinin in plants. Edward Gudeman: Toilet papers, a source of infection.Adolph Bernard: Simple colorimetric method for the determination of free reducing sugars and total carbohydrate in miscellaneous food products.-J. P. Atkinson: Reducing action of certain carbohydrates on distillation. Sara S. Graves: Precipitant for ammonia.-W. Denis: Phenols and phenol derivatives in urine.-J. H. Long: Physiological activity of combined hydrochloric acid; Combinations of proteins with halogen acids. -Charles Baskerville: Rate of evaporation of ether from oils and its application in oil-ether colonic anesthesia.-H. S. Grindley and E. C. Eckstein: Free amid nitrogen and the free amino-acid nitrogen of feedingstuffs.-H. S. Grindley, W. 1 For accounts of the organization of the Biochemical Division and successive meetings see BIOCHEM. BULL., 1911, i, p. 94; 1913, iii, p. 76; 1914, iii, p. 444. E. Joseph and M. E. Slater: Quantitative determination of the amino-acids of the mixed proteins of feedingstuffs.-R. S. Potter and R. S. Snyder: Nitrogen distribution according to the Van Slyke method in soils and their "humic acids"; Amino-acid nitrogen in soils variously treated. -Max Kahn: Urinary mucin.-M. Kahn and F. G. Goodridge: Cystin.-F. G. Goodridge: Biochemical studies of mercaptan.-M. Kahn and Francis Huber: Metabolism studies of multiple myeloma with Bence-Jones albumose.-M. Kahn and S. Schneider: Study of the mineral metabolism of diabetics.-A. F. Hess and M. Kahn: Mineral metabolism of two cases of hemophilia. -Jacob Rosenbloom: Ethereal sulfates of the urine in various diseases; Modification of Gerhardt's test for diacetic acid; Influence of low and high protein intake on the excretion of acetone, diacetic acid, and ẞ-hydroxybutyric acid in diabetes.-W. M. Clark: Adjustment of the reaction of bacteria culture media; Final hydrogenion concentration of cultures of B. coli.-E. H. Walters and W.M. Clark: Relation of propionic fermentation to the development of "eyes" in Ementhaler cheese.-S. L. Jodidi: Factor to be used for the calculation of the phosphoric acid in Neumann's method.-S. L. Jodidi and E. H. Kellogg: Factor to be used for the calculation of phosphoric acid in Neumann's method. I. Factor as influenced by the water used for washing the yellow precipitate.-R. E. Swain and E. R. Harding: Quantitative estimation of alantoin.-Lewis Knudson: Influence of certain sugars on the growth and respiration of vetch.-W. J. Robbins: Influence of certain inorganic substances on the digestion of starch by Penicillium camemberti.-W. M. Clark and H. A. Lubs: Differentiation of organisms of the colon group by means of indicators. - C. C. Johns and Arno Viehoever: Studies on the saponins of Chlorogalum pomeridianum and of Agave lechuguilla; Alkaloids of Amianthium muscætorium. Biochemical Laboratory of Columbia University, |