Inhalation of mercaptan causes rapid and overwhelming results. Anesthesia is complete in less than a minute and, if the animal is not promptly exposed to the air, death follows quickly from respiratory depression. The administration of the drug per os causes nausea, vomiting and increased peristalsis. There is irritation and impairment of the kidneys, and these organs are rendered more permeable to the passage of glucose. This damage, as shown by the urinary findings, rapidly passes off and the kidneys return to normal. 176. Efforts to precipitate pepsin and erepsin with safranin. M. K. THORNTON. Neither pepsin nor erepsin (unlike trypsin) was precipitated by safranin from gastric and intestinal extracts; or, if they were precipitated under the conditions of the tests, the products were inactive. The experiments are in progress. OFFICERS ELECTED AT THE EIGHTEENTH MEETING29 HONORARY OFFICERS. President-Prof. Alfred P. Lothrop, Queens University, Kingston, Ont. Vice-presidents-Prof. John S. Adriance, Williams College; Prof. Josephine T. Berry, University of Minnesota; Dr. E. Newton Harvey, Princeton University; Prof. Burton E. Livingston, Johns Hopkins University; Mrs. Jessie Moore Rahe, Cornell University Medical College. ACTIVE OFFICERS. President-Prof. A. J. Goldfarb; vice-president, Dr. Alfred F. Hess; secretary, Dr. Edgar G. Miller, Jr.;30 treasurer, Prof. William J. Gies. Additional members of the executive committee-Dr. F. G. Goodridge, Prof. Paul E. Howe, Dr. William Weinberger. 29 See page 193. 30 Elected at the nineteenth meeting. See page 210. Biochemical Laboratory of Columbia University, BIOCHEMICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEX 8-10. Third and fourth quarters, 1914 (July-Dec.); and first quarter, 1915 (Jan.-Mar.) WILLIAM A. PERLZWEIG AND WILLIAM J. GIES (Biochemical Laboratory of Columbia University, at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York) Change in the plan of presentation. Publication of the current portions of our "biochemical bibliography and index "1 has been interrupted because of unavoidable delay in the issuance of this number of the BIOCHEMICAL BULLETIN (page 270). The European war has also affected the bibliography and index, by reducing materially the output of papers in, and numbers of, the European publications on our journal list. This delay in publication, and the simultaneous curtailment of content, have suggested an improved plan for the presentation of the bibliography and index, which we inaugurate herewith. The chief improvement consists in the arrangement of titles in subject-groups rather than, as heretofore, in the order of the placement of the papers in the successive numbers of the respective journals. Each title is placed under the subject-head that is suggested by the main feature of the content of the corresponding paper. Thus, papers consisting primarly of descriptions of methods are indicated collectively under "Methods." This arrangement follows the general style of that proposed by the senior author some years ago for the Biochemical Department of Chemical Abstracts, and which is still in vogue. The advantages of this arrangement are so obvious that a mere statement of its adoption here is sufficient to suggest its purpose and its merits. Considerable space is saved by the use of small letters to indicate particular volumes of the listed journals. The position and significance of these letters are indicated below. The names of authors follow, in this new plan, the titles of the papers, whereas, in the preceding issues, the reverse order was the rule. The bibliography and index remain practically unchanged otherwise, both in style and scope. 1 Gies: BIOCHEM. BULL., 1913, ii, pp. 298, 470, 559; Perlzweig: Ibid., 1913, iii, pp. 103, 315, 475. [Volumes. BZ: a=65; b=66; c=67; d=68. ZpC: g=92; h=93. JBC: m=18; n= 19; 0=20. BJ: s=8. JACS: w=36; x=37. BB: y=3. (See page 230.)] Explanation of abbreviations, arrangement, notation, etc. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Titles of papers are freely shortened, minor words ignored, common terms conveniently abbreviated or chemical symbols substituted; surnames of collaborators are connected by hyphens; most punctuation marks are omitted-all for the sake of condensation. Names of authors are printed in italics. Bibliographic items are separated by em dashes, and are preceded by numerals indicating, for index purposes, sequence in the bibliography. When two or more papers by the same author occur together, they are regularly numbered and separated by semicolons; but follow one em dash. The numeral at the end of each item, separated from the name of the author or authors by a comma and a small letter, indicates initial page of the corresponding paper. The small letters between the names of the authors and the page numerals, at the ends of the items, represent specific volumes of the listed journals, as indicated below: Biochemische Zeitschrift (BZ)2: a=65; b=66; c=67; d=68. Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS): w = 36; x = 37. INDEX (SUBJECTS). The numerals in the index (page 239) correspond with the numbered items in the bibliography. Pages are not indicated. Numerals held in groups by hyphens are plain abbreviations in accord with the indications of the first numeral of each such series (see footnote, p. 239). Abbreviations of words in the index are similar to those in the bibliography. Each group of index references is terminated by a semicolon; commas mark off subdivisions of a general index subject. Names of authors are not indexed. PRACTICAL USE OF THE BIBLIOGRAPHY. The bibliography is useful from several standpoints. Thus, if it is desired to ascertain whether the journals included in the bibliography contain papers (during the indicated period) on a particular subject, e. g., alcohol, find the key word in its alphabetic place in the index and turn to the items in the bibliographic sequence indicated by the index numerals [in this case 178, 180, 181, 183, 186, 205, 342, 351, 365]. The abbreviated items thus identified give the names of authors and suggest the nature of the corresponding papers (nine papers in the case selected for illustration), and help the reader to decide whether to examine the original publications. When the index gives a negative answer to an inquiry, a large mass of literature in that connection is removed from further consideration. During the intervals between publication of the indexes of journals, Zentralblätter and year books, this running bibliography directs the reader to the main tracks through most of the current literature on the leading biochemical subjects. 2 Abbreviations employed at the tops of the pages. 3 Included in this bibliography for the first time. The section in the Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc. regularly devoted to biological chemistry is steadily growing in interest and importance. [Volumes. BZ: a=65; b=66; c=67; d=68. ZpC:g=92;h=93. JBC: m=18; n=19; 0=20. BJ: s=8. JACS: w=36; x=37. BB: y=3. (See page 230.)] Apparatus.-1Bericht'g: Mik'resp'nsapp, Krogh,b512.-2Polaris'app Mik- u Mak'bestim b weis Licht, Neuberg,c102.-3Resp'n app small anim, Benedict,0301.4Simp quartz Hg-vapor lamp, biol a photochem invest, Bovie,0315.-5Easy calorim m high precis, White, w2313.-6Modif Kjeldahl flask, soil N,Noyes,w2541. Methods.-7" Lackmosol," empfind Bestand Lacmoid, Hottinger,a177.-8 Manomet M Harnst'bestim, Löw-Prorok,a273.-9Kol'd N Harn; Bedeut Carcinomdiag,de Bloeme-Swart-Terwen, a345.-10Anal Ca Kot u Harn,vder Heide, a363.-11 Nachw Peptid i Harn mit p-Kresol-Tyrosinas-Reak, Chodat-Kummer, a392.-12Tryptophanbestim i Nier, Kurchin,a451.-13Refrakt- u Dispers'bestim Fet u Öl, Szalagyi,b149.-14Stalagmon Bestim klein OH-konz,Gróh-Götz,b165.15 Stalagmom Studien kryst u kol'd Lös (5-10), Berczeller,b173.-16Entsteh u Spezif Blutferm b Anwend Abderhalden Dial'verfahr, Parsamow,b269.-17Triketohyd'reak, Neuberg,c56.-18Fäll Am'säu mit Hg-acet u Soda, Neuberg-Kerb, C119.-19Ninhyd'reak Pepton; Ferm u Antiferm'wirk Serum, Fränkel,c298.-20M Lecithinbestim Milch, Brodrick-Pittard,c382.-21 Wassermann Reak norm Mensch'serum, Krauss, d48.-22Quant Bestim Milchsäu in Organextr als CO, Meissner, d175.-23Formald'reak, Salkowski,d337.-24Darstel indox-H2SO4(Indican), Jolles Schwenk,d347.-25Asym Synth Mandelsäu; Entsteh Benzylid'weinsäu'est u Benzylid'weinsäu, Erlenmeyer,d351.-26Zerstör org Subst n Meth Fresenius-Babo, b vorher Behand mit Antiform u Bestim klein Pb-meng so behand Organ, Friedmann,g46.-27Bestim Glykog in Hefe, Salkowski,g75.-28Extrak'stof Muskeln: (16) Isol Carnosin dur Hg-ox'sulf, Dietrich,g212.-29Fleischextrakt, Smorodinzew,g214.-30Gewin Carnosin aus b Steriliz Fleisch m H2O-dampf i HönneckeFleischdämpf sich bild Brüh, Smorodinzew,g228.-31 Quant Bestim Hg Harn, Klotz,g286.-32Lactacidogen: (1) Isol, Embden-Lacquer,h94.-33Ureas Sojabohn u Verwend quant Harnst'bestim, Eigenberger, h370.-34Creatin a cr'inin metab:(1) Prep creatin a cr'inin urin, Benedict,m183.-35Idem: (2) Est creatin, Benedict m191.-36Est Pin biol mater, Taylor-Miller, m215.-37Turbid m determ aceton, acetoacet acid and ẞ-oxybutyr acid urin, Folin-Denis,m263.-38Quant determ album urin, Folin-Denis,m273.-39 Vol m tot S urin, Raiziss-Dubin,m297.-40Purif a melt point sat aliphat acid, Levene-West,m463.-41 Simp m determ tot N colorim, Gulick,m541.-42Dry urin chem anal, Braman,n105.-43 Prep ureas, determ urea, VanSlyke-Cullen,n211.-44Isol subst butter fat exerts stim infl grow, McCollum-Davis,n245.-45Determ I connect thyr'd activ, Kendall,n251.-46Determ sugar bl'd, Shaffer,n285.-47Catal react bl'd: (1) Factors benzid test occult bl'd, Lyle-Curtman-Marshall, n445.-48Est fat feces, Gephart-Csonka,n521.-49 Precip serum-alb a glutin by alk'oid reag, Hanzlik, 013.-50Folin-Farmerm colorim estim N,Bock-Benedict,047.-51M sugar small quant bl'd, Lewis-Benedict,061.52M inorg PO, tissue a food product, Chapin-Powick, 097.-53Est benzoic acid urin, Raiziss-Dubin, 0125.-54Use col'd Fe determ lactos milk, Hill, 0175.-55Colorim m am'acid N,Harding-MacLean,0217.-56M groups in P-lipin, Foster,0403. -57Correct: M inorg PO, tissue a food product, Chapin-Powick,0461.-58M est sugar bl'd, Gardner-Maclean, s391.-59Produc w-hydrox-s-meth'furfurald fr carbohydrat a infil on est pentosan a meth'-pentosan, Cunningham-Doree,s438. [Volumes. BZ: a=65; b=66; c=67; d=68. ZpC:g=92;h=93. 60Quant est aspart a glutam acid, prod prot hydrol, Foreman,s463.-61 Regulat y411. Colloids (general).-84Fibrin: (5) Bezieh Fragen Biol u Kol'dchem,Hekma, Salts and ions.- 89Wirk Moderator (Puffern) b Verschieb Säu'-Bas'- Carbohydrates (glucosids).-94Säu'dis'konst Kohl'hyd, Michaelis, a360.-95 Lipins.-102Pilzsterin: (1) Sterinähnl Subst Lykoperd gemmat, Ikeguchi, |