The Journal of Home Economics, Bindi 13American Home Economics Association., 1921 |
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acid Agriculture Amer American Home Economics amount antiscorbutic average baking baking powder better Biol boiled Botulism bread Bureau calories carbohydrate cent cereals chairman Chem child City clothing club College committee cookery cooking coöperation cost course cream Department diet dietetics dietitian digestion dough doughnuts eggs experience extension farm flavor flour fruits girls given grams heat high school Home Economics Association homemaking household industry Institute interest Jour JOURNAL Katharine Blunt kitchen laboratory lard Louise Stanley manufacture material meal meat meeting ment methods milk mother nomics nutrition nutrition worker oolong organization pellagra potatoes practical present pressure cooker problems protein rickets scurvy social standard stomach sugar teachers teaching temperature textile tion University vegetables vitamine vocational Vocational Education washer women
Vinsćlir kaflar
Síđa 505 - We may live without poetry, music, and art ; We may live without conscience, and live without heart ; We may live without friends ; we may live without books ; But civilized man cannot live without cooks. He may live without books, — what is knowledge but grieving ? He may live without hope, — what is hope but deceiving ? He may live without love, — what is passion but pining ? But where is the man that can live without dining ? XX.
Síđa 411 - That in order to aid in diffusing among the people of the United States useful and practical information on subjects relating to agriculture and home economics, and to encourage the application of the same...
Síđa 610 - Vesuvius. For I was also desirous to try an experiment or two, touching the conservation and induration of bodies. As for the experiment itself, it succeeded excellently well...
Síđa 602 - France was spoiled and lopped bare, and occupied all in five or six days, and it wrought so well that if all the physicians of Montpelier and Lovaine had been there with all the drugs of Alexandria, they would not have done so much in one year as that tree did in six days, for it did so prevail that as many as used of it, by the grace of God recovered their health.
Síđa 127 - East is better off in some respects than the West ! Strangely enough humanity has so far met in the tea-cup. It is the only Asiatic ceremonial which commands universal esteem. The white man has scoffed at our religion and our morals, but has accepted the brown beverage without hesitation. The afternoon tea is now an important function in Western society. In the delicate clatter of trays and saucers, in the soft rustle of feminine hospitality, in the common catechism about cream and sugar, we know...
Síđa 333 - Committees of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the...
Síđa 555 - The Housewives manner is to slice them when ripe and cut them into Dice, and so fill a pot with them of two or three Gallons and stew them upon a gentle fire the whole day.
Síđa 120 - ... that at least one-third of the sum appropriated to any State for the salaries of teachers of trade, home economics, and industrial subjects...
Síđa 477 - AMENDMENTS This constitution may be amended by a vote of twothirds of the members present at any annual...
Síđa 543 - ... of a school at which girls and young women shall be educated, trained, developed and disciplined with special reference to fitting them mentally, morally, physically and religiously for the discharge of the functions and service of wifehood and motherhood and the management, supervision, direction and inspiration of home.