PUBLISHED AT THE OFFICE, 16, NEWCASTLE STREET, FARRINGDON ST., AND SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLE S MDCCCCXVI. Chum Lab NEWS JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL SCIENCE Edited by Sir Wm. Crookes, O.M., Pres.R.S.] (WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE "CHEMICAL GAZETTE"). Established [Sixty-nine years. Published Weekly. Annual Subscription free by post £1 Entered at the New York Post Office as Second Class Mail Matter. ARTICLES: The Qualitative Analysis of the Iron Group in presence of Phosphates, by R. Gilmour International Institute of Agriculture Nitrogen, Chlorine, and Sulphates in Rain and Snow, by B. Artis Permanganate Determination of Iron in the presence of Fluorides NOTICES OF BOOKS OBITUARY.-Prof. H. Debus CHEMICAL NOTICES FROM FORBIGN SOURCES.............. Wanted, CHEMICAL NEWS, 1860, 1863' 1864, 1866-67 incl., 1887-93 incl., 1895-1914 incl. ; all or part FOR SALE.-EVAPORATOR Vertical Tube, CHEMICAL GAZETTE, vols. 15, 16, 17 (1857-58-59).-Offers, B. B., care of Burnett, 204, Fylde Road, Preston. LABORATORY APPARATUS FOR RESEARCH WITH OZONE OZONAIR, Limited, 96, VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, S.W. SULPHUROUS ACID and SULPHITES. Liquid SO, in Syphons, for Lectures, &c. PHOSPHORIC ACID and PHOSPHATES. CARAMELS & COLORINGS for all purposes. A. BOAKE, ROBERTS & CO. (LIMITED) Stratford, London, E. Triple Eflect, with Heater, Condenser, Feed and Extraction Pumps. Each effect has seventy-five 1 inch bore copper tubes, 14 gauge, 23 feet long, in gun-metal tube plates, giving 757 sq. ft. heating surface. The heater has forty-eight 1 in. bore copper tubes. 14 gauge, 16 ft. 5 ins. long, in cast-iron tube plates, arranged for twelve passes, giving 360 sq. ft. heating surface. The whole purchased from the Kestner vaporator and Engineering Co., Ltd., to con entrate sugar liquors, and erected in June, 1913 The apparatus has never been used except for the purpose of testing it. No guarantee as to its suitability for any specific purpose will be given by the present vendors.Apply, FAIRRIE and CO., Ltd., Sugar Refiners, 253, Vauxhall Road, Liverpool. "DOOM OF THE KAISER," foretold in MONK JOHANNES' startling 300-year old prophecy. 8-page pamphlets, seat post free, 6 copies is. 1d., 12 copies 25.; for distribution purposes, 50 copies 5s. 3d, 100 copies 8s. 6d. Also, "THE EAGLES AND THE CARCASE," by "THETA," in ten chapters; being the most astounding book published in connection with Prophecies on the War and its ultimate ending, 2s. 6d. net.-Of MORGANS, LTD., 88, Chancery Lane, London, W.C.; or at Newsagents, Bookstalls, &c., throughout the United Kingdom. T. TYRER & CO. Ltd. Stirling Chemical Works, STRATFORD, LONDON, E. OHEMICALS for Analysis, Research, and Technical purposes. TECHNICAL EXPERIMENTS carried out on a MANUFACTURING SOALE. Inquiries solicited from INVENTORS art ATENTEES (especially Foreign) under the New Act, 1906. CHEMICAL APPARATUS Pure Chemicals for Research Work. JOHN J. GRIFFIN & SONS LTD. |