Capitalism: A Ghost StoryVerso Books, 4. nóv. 2014 - 144 síður In Capitalism: A Ghost Story, best-selling writer Arundhati Roy examines the dark side of Indian democracy - a nation of 1.2 billion, where the country' s 100 richest people own assets worth one quarter of India's gross domestic product. Ferocious and clear-sighted, this is a searing portrait of a nation haunted by ghosts: the hundreds of thousands of farmers who have committed suicide to escape punishing debt; the hundreds of millions who live on less than two dollars a day. It is the story of how the largest democracy in the world, with over 800 million voting in the last election, answers to the demands of globalized capitalism, subjecting millions of people to inequality and exploitation. Roy shows how the mega-corporations, modern robber barons plundering India's natural resources, use brute force, as well as a wide range of NGOs and foundations, to sway government and policy making in India. |
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PREFACE | 1897 |
Id Rather Not Be Anna | |
Kashmirs Fruits of Discord | |
Speech to the Peoples University | |
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2001 Parliament Attack accused activists Adivasi Afghanistan Africa Afzal Guru Anna Hazare Antilla armed arrested Arundhati Roy Capitalism Center Central India Chhattisgarh Communist Party companies corporate philanthropy corruption Dalit dams Dantewada David Barsamian Delhi democracy Economic elections endowed Essar feminist Ford Foundation forests funded Geelani global government’s Group Gujarat Gush-Up hanging Hindu Human Rights hundred India Rich List Indian Express Indian government Infosys Institute International jail Jan Lokpal Bill Jindal journalists Kalinganagar Kashmir killed Kopa land Lingaram Literary Festival live Magsaysay Mahindra Maoists militant million mining minister movement Mukesh Ambani Mumbai Muslims NGOs nuclear numbers Obama Pakistan Party of India people’s police political Powers Act AFSPA prison protest rape Rockefeller Foundation Roelofs Salwa Judum Shopian social Soni Sori South Africa’s Supreme Court Tata Steel Team Anna Tehelka terrorist thousands Tihar Tribunal on Human United unmarked graves villages visa