The Book of Nature in Early Modern and Modern HistoryKlaas van Berkel, Arie Johan Vanderjagt Peeters Publishers, 2006 - 336 síður From 22-25 May, 2002, the University of Groningen hosted an international conference on 'The Book of Nature. Continuity and change in European and American attitudes towards the natural world'. From Antiquity down to our own time, theologians, philosophers and scientists have often compared nature to a book, which might, under the right circumstances, be read and interpreted in order to come closer to the 'Author' of nature, God. The 'reading' of this book was not regarded as mere idle curiosity, but it was seen as leading to a deeper understanding of God's wisdom and power, and it culturally legitimated and promoted a positive attitude towards nature and its study. A selection of the papers which were delivered at the conference has been edited in two volumes. The first book was published as «The Book of Nature in Antiquity and the Middle Ages»; this second volume is devoted to the history of that concept after the Middle Ages. |
From inside the book
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vi | 8 |
The Mathematical Characters of Galileos Book of Nature | 27 |
Reading the Book of Nature in the SeventeenthCentury Dutch Republic | 45 |
George Berkeleys Universal Language of Nature | 69 |
Nature in Defense of Scripture PhysicoTheology and Experimental | 83 |
The Law of Nature is a Lamp unto your Feet Frederik Adolf van | 97 |
Sermons in Stone Johann Jacob Scheuchzers Concept of the Book | 111 |
Childrens Walks in the Book of Nature The Reception | 141 |
The Word and the Works Concordism in American Evangelical | 195 |
Reading the fine print in the Catskills John Burroughs Reinterprets | 209 |
The Moral Significance of Lifes Splendid Drama From Natural | 227 |
Improving Nature Victor Westhoff and Dutch Nature Conservation | 243 |
Reading the Book of Nature through American Lenses | 261 |
Comets Necessity and Nature | 275 |
299 | |
329 | |
Deus sive Natura J G Herders Romanticised Reading | 155 |
Reading Nature in the Light of Scripture The case | 181 |
Common terms and phrases
according animals argued argument Aristotelian Aristotle Bacot Bartram believed Berkeley Berkeley's Bible biblical Book of Nature Book of Scripture Boyle Burroughs Cartesian chapt Christian Church comets concept Copernican creation creatures Cuvier Darwin Descartes Dialogue discourse discussion divine divine language doctrine Dutch Republic early modern earth eighteenth century evolution example exegetical experimental philosophy fact Galileo Galileo Affair God's Graevius Groningen Holy human Ibidem idea interpretation Isaac Vossius Jan Swammerdam Katechismus knowledge landscapes language of nature Leibniz liber naturae Marck Martinet mathematical meaning medieval metaphysical natural history natural law natural philosophy natural theology natural world Nieuwentijt notion Novalis orthodox Paracelsus passage physical physico-theology plants principle read the Book reason references Reformed religion religious revelation Robert Boyle Scheuchzer scholars scientific sense seventeenth century signs Spinoza study of nature theologians theory things tion tradition true truth ture universe Vermij Voetius Vossius Westhoff William Bartram words writing