SIR DAVID BREWSTER, K.H. LL.D. F.R.S.L. & E. &c. WILLIAM FRANCIS, PH.D. F.L.S. F.R.A.S. F.C.S. "Nec aranearum sane textus ideo melior quia ex se fila gignunt, nec noster VOL. IX.-FOURTH SERIES. JANUARY-JUNE, 1855. LONDON. TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET, SOLD BY LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN, AND LONGMANS; SIMPKIN, MARSHALL THOMAS CLARK, EDINBURGH; SMITH AND SON, AND WILEY AND PUTNAM, NEW YORK. FOMUL GROWA MABI "Meditationis est perscrutari occulta; contemplationis est admirari perspicua. . . . . Admiratio generat quæstionem, quæstio investigationem, investigatio inventionem."-Hugo de S. Victore. -“Cur spirent venti, cur terra dehiscat, Cur mare turgescat, pelago cur tantus amaror, J. B. Pinelli ad Mazonium. (FOURTH SERIES.) Mr. W. R. Grove on a Method of increasing certain Effects of M. V. Regnault on the Elastic Forces of Vapours in vacuo and in Gases, at different Temperatures; and on the Tensions of the Vapours furnished by mixed or superposed Liquids Sir J. W. Lubbock on the Heat of Vapours Mr. A. B. Northcote on the Brine-springs of Worcestershire.. Prof. W. Thomson on the Possible Density of the Luminiferous The Rev. J. A. Galbraith on the Composition of the Felspars of the Granite of the Dublin and Wicklow Mountains ... Prof. Magnus on the Elastic Forces of Vapours of Mixtures of Sir W. R. Hamilton on some Extensions of Quaternions (con- The Rev. A. Thacker on a case of disturbed Elliptic Motion.. Notices respecting New Books:-Mr. T. Hopkins on the Atmospheric Changes which produce Rain and Wind, and the Proceedings of the Royal Society. On a peculiar Phænomenon in the Electro-deposition of Anti- On the Composition and Properties of Fats, by D. Heintz.. On Phillyrine, by C. Bertagnini .. Meteorological Observations for November 1854 Meteorological Observations made by Mr. Thompson at the Garden of the Horticultural Society at Chiswick, near |