Battling the Gods: Atheism in the Ancient WorldKnopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 10. nóv. 2015 - 304 síður How new is atheism? Although adherents and opponents alike today present it as an invention of the European Enlightenment, when the forces of science and secularism broadly challenged those of faith, disbelief in the gods, in fact, originated in a far more remote past. In Battling the Gods, Tim Whitmarsh journeys into the ancient Mediterranean, a world almost unimaginably different from our own, to recover the stories and voices of those who first refused the divinities. |
From inside the book
Niðurstöður 1 - 2 af 2
... Cynic was an individual, even a world unto his defiant self, and so categorizations such as “hard” and “soft” Cynicism are imprecise. Furthermore, it is difficult to reconstruct the exact views of “true” Cynics such as Diogenes, who ...
... Cynics “confused a return to nature with a return to bestiality” and that, “overwhelmed with the complexities of society, the Cynic took the easy role of over-simplification—disregard for dress, contempt for society, and a general ...
15 | |
28 | |
Battling the Gods | 40 |
The Material Cosmos | 52 |
Cause and Effect | 75 |
Concerning the Gods I Cannot Know | 87 |
Playing the Gods | 97 |
Atheism on Trial | 115 |
PART THREE | 139 |
Gods and Kings | 145 |
Philosophical Atheism | 156 |
Epicurus Theomakhos | 173 |
With Gods on Our Side | 193 |
Virtual Networks | 205 |
Imagine | 215 |
Christians Heretics and Other Atheists | 231 |