Belief and Bloodshed: Religion and Violence Across Time and TraditionJames K. Wellman Rowman & Littlefield, 2007 - 271 síður Intended for students as well as scholars of religion and violence, Belief and Bloodshed discusses how the relationship between religion and violence is not unique to a post-9/11 world_it has existed throughout all of recorded history and culture. The book makes clear the complex interactions between religion, violence, and politics to show that religion as always innocent or always evil is misguided, and that rationalizations by religion for political power and violence are not new. Chronologically organized, the book shows religiously motivated violence across a variety of historical periods and cultures, moving from the ancient to medieval to the modern world, ending with an essay comparing the speeches of an ancient king to the speeches of the current U.S. President. |
Dismemberment Creation and Ritual Images of Divine Violence in the Ancient Near East | 13 |
Making Memory Ritual Rhetoric and Violence in the Roman Triumph | 29 |
Taming the Beast Rabbinic Pacification of SecondCentury Jewish Nationalism | 47 |
Violent Yearnings for the Kingdom of God Ministers Militant Anabaptism | 63 |
Imperial Christianity and Sacred War in Byzantium | 81 |
The Modern World | 95 |
Founding an Empire of Sacrifice Innocent Domination and the Quaker Martyrs of Boston 16591661 | 97 |
Holy Culture Wars Patterns of EthnoReligious Violence in Nineteenth and TwentiethCentury China | 115 |
Monks Guns and Peace Theravada Buddhism and Political Violence | 145 |
Avoiding Mass Violence at Rajneeshpuram | 165 |
Obliterating an Idol of the Modern Age The New Iconoclasm from the Twin Buddhas to the Twin Towers | 179 |
Is War Normal for American Evangelical Religion? | 195 |
On Political Theology Imperial Ambitions and Messianic Pretensions Some Ancient and Modern Continuities | 211 |
227 | |
263 | |
About the Contributors | 269 |
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Belief and Bloodshed: Religion and Violence across Time and Tradition James K. Wellman Takmarkað sýnishorn - 2007 |
Common terms and phrases
American Anabaptists ancient argue attacks Babylon Bamian Bamian Buddhas battle biblical Boston Buddhist Burma Byzantine Center century China Christ Christian Church clergy Communist conflict context cult cultural Cyrus Cyrus Cylinder depicted destruction Dharmapāla divine emperor empire enemies evangelical evil force God's holy honor killing Hujum human iconoclasm imperial imperium incited Iraq Islam Israel Jerusalem Jewish Jews Juergensmeyer Khmer Khmer Rouge king Krahn leaders Ledi Sayadaw Marduk Matthijs messianic military modern monks moral movement Münster Münsterites murders Muslim nation Nikephoros officials Oregon Oregon attorney Party peace Pingyuan political Puritan Qing Quakers Rabbinic Rajneesh Rajneeshpuram religion and violence religious violence RGASPI f rhetoric ritual role Roman Rome sacrifice Sangha sannyasins scholars scripture secular Shadian Sheela social society Sri Lanka Stayer symbolic Temple terrorism Thai Thailand theological tion traditional transformation triumph triumphal unveiled women Uzbek Uzbekistan victory Western Yunnan
Vinsælir kaflar
Síða 231 - A | DECLARATION | of the SAD and GREAT ] Persecution and Martyrdom | of the People of God, called | QUAKERS, in NEW ENGLAND, | for the "Worshipping of God.