GB/T 29042-2020 Translated English of Chinese Standard. (GBT29042-2020): Thresholds and grading of rolling resistance for motor vehicle tyres [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"]

Framhlið kápu, 6. jún. 2020 - 9 síður
This Standard specifies terms and definitions for thresholds and grading of rolling resistance for motor vehicle tyres, requirements and test methods for thresholds and grading of rolling resistance coefficient. This Standard applies to new radial tyres for passenger cars and new radial tyres for miniature and light trucks and new radial tyres for trucks. However, it does not include: tyres whose nominal diameter of rims is not greater than 10 inches and nominal diameter of rims is not less than 25 inches; T-type spare tyres for temporary use only; ST metric tyres for road-type trailers, and radial tyres with high throughput for light trucks; truck tyres with a speed capacity of less than 80 km/h (excluding); racing tyres, studded tyres and special off-road tyres.

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