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" The Doctrine of Phlogiston established, and that of the Composition of Water refuted. "
Science and Culture: And Other Essays - Síđa 108
eftir Thomas Henry Huxley - 1888 - 349 síđur
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German Museum: Or Monthly Repository of the Literature of Germany ..., Bindi 2

1800 - 704 síđur
...Divisions, the pure System of primxval Theology, &c. &c. by the Rev. T. Maurice. Vol. VII. White. 1 he Doctrine of Phlogiston established, and that of the Composition of Water refuted; by J.Pnesiley, LLD is. 6d. Johnson. The Dash of the Day, a comedy, in five acts, as performed at the...
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The Critical Review: Or, Annals of Literature, Bindi 34

Tobias Smollett - 1802 - 612 síđur
...sufficiently correct and elegant. The additional notes are not rnumerous, nor are they important. ART. 37. — The Doctrine of Phlogiston established, and that of the Composition of Water refuted. By Joseph Priestley, LL. DFRS &c. 8t)o. 3*. 6d. No Publisher's Name. This is the telum imbelle, sine...
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The Critical Review, Or, Annals of Literature

Tobias Smollett - 1802 - 614 síđur
...sufficiently correct and elegant. The additional notes are not numerous, nor are they important. ART. 37, — The Doctrine of Phlogiston established, and that of the Composition of Water refuted. By Joseph Priestley, LL. DFRS &c. Svo. 3/. 6J. No Publisher's Name. This is the tclun tmbelle, sine...
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Philosophical Magazine

1805 - 914 síđur
...and Observations relating to the Analysis of atmospherical Air and the Generation of Air from Water: the Doctrine of Phlogiston established, and that of the Composition of Water refuted. Reprinted with additions 1803. D XXVI. Notices respecting New Publications. л. BARTON, professor of...
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The Philosophical Magazine: Comprehending the Various Branches of ..., Bindi 22

1805 - 408 síđur
...and Observations relating to the Analysis of atmospherical Air and the Generation of Air from Water: the Doctrine of Phlogiston established, and that of the Composition of Water refuted. Reprinted with. additions 1803. XXVI. Notices respecting New Publications. JL/R. BARTON, professor...
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Encyclopaedia Britannica: Or, A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and ...

1824 - 886 síđur
...in the text was published by Dr Priestley after his retirement to America in 1800. It is entitled, The Doctrine of Phlogiston established, and that of the Composition of Water refuted. It contains a variety of miscellaneous observations on the phlogistic and antiphlogistic theories,...
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The Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, Bindi 3

1827 - 448 síđur
...Considerations regarding the doctrine of Phlogiston and the Decomposition of Water. 2 vols. 8vo, 1796 and 1707. The doctrine of Phlogiston established, and that of the Composition of Water refuted. 8vo, 1800. The same ideas have also been expressed by him, under somewhat different titles, in the...
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The Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal: Exhibiting a View of the ..., Bindi 3

1827 - 442 síđur
...Considerations regarding the doctrine of Phlogiston and the Decomposition of Water. 2 vols. 8vo, 1796 and 1797. The doctrine of Phlogiston established, and that of the Composition of Water refuted. 8vo, 1800. The same ideas have also been expressed by him, under somewhat different titles, in the...
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A Catalogue of the Books Belonging to the Library of the New-York Hospital ...

1829 - 152 síđur
...philosophy connected witli the subject. By Joseph Priestley, LLDFRS 3 vols. 8vo. Birmingham, 1790. 1381. The Doctrine of Phlogiston Established, and that of the Composition of Water Refuted. By Joseph Priestley, LLD 8vo. Northumberland, (America,) 1800. 1C65. PHINGLE. — Six Discourses. Delivered...
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Allgemeines Register über die Göttingischen gelehrten Anzeigen von 1783 bis ...

1829 - 740 síđur
...QInmetf. j. 3)erfpecttt>^94, (1075); — @feptˇe«r; 94, (1612); — (Subiometer; 98, (1404); — The doctrine of phlogiston established and that of the composition of water refuted ; 800, 1569- 1591 ; 802, (1218) ; »fli. 99, (710. 1639 f.); — Serf., u. 23ea obud)tr. üb. b.: S^Iegung...
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