By the mere light of reason it seems difficult to prove the immortality of the soul; the arguments for it are commonly derived either from metaphysical topics, or moral, or physical. But it is in reality the Gospel, and the Gospel alone, that has brought... Science and Culture: And Other Essays - Síđa 117eftir Thomas Henry Huxley - 1888 - 349 síđurHeildartexta - Um bókina
 | David Hume - 1826 - 628 síđur
...OF THE SOUL. By the mere light of reason it seems difficult to prove the immortality of the soul ; the arguments for it are commonly derived either from metaphysical topics, or moral, or physical. But in reality it is the gospel, and the gospel alone, that has brought life and immortality to light.... | |
 | James H. MACCULLOH - 1852 - 542 síđur
...Soul,) remarks, " By the mere light of reason it seems difficult to prove the immortality of the soul ; the arguments for it are commonly derived either from metaphysical topics, or moral or physical. But in reality it is the gospel, and the gospel alone, that has brought life and immortality to light,"... | |
 | David Hume - 1854 - 596 síđur are commonly derived either from metaphysical topics, or moral, or physical. But in reality it is the gospel, and the gospel alone, that has brought life and immortality to I. Metaphysical topics suppose that the soul is immaterial, and that it is impossible for thought to... | |
 | 1869 - 280 síđur
...the Soul," the first paragraph of which contains the following sentence: — "But in reality it is the Gospel, and• the Gospel alone, that has brought life and immortality to light." And the first of Whately's essays "On Some Peculiarities of the Christian Eeligion" concludes with... | |
 | Sir George Grove, David Masson, John Morley, Mowbray Morris - 1874 - 608 síđur
...advantage ; so that the good and happiness of the members, that is, of the majority of the memtopics, or moral, or physical. But it is in reality the Gospel,...of Whately's tastes and acquirements had not read Home or Hartley, though he refers to neither. bers, of any state, is the great standard by which everything... | |
 | 1874 - 1078 síđur
...advantage ; so that the good and happiness of the members, that is, of the majority of the memtopics, or moral, or physical. But it is in reality the Gospel,...light." It is impossible to imagine that a man of "Whately s tastes and acquirements had not read Hume or Hartley, though he refers to neither. hers,... | |
 | 1874 - 586 síđur
...advantage ; so that the good and happiness of the members, that is, of the majority of the memtopics, or moral, or physical. But it is in reality the Gospel, and the Gospel alone, that has brought life anil immortality to light." It is impossible to imagine that a man of AVhately s tastes and acquirements... | |
 | British and Foreign Unitarian Association - 1875 - 202 síđur
...Soul : — " By the mere light of reason it seems difficult to prove the immortality of the soul ; the arguments for it are commonly derived either from...Gospel alone, that has brought life and immortality to llyht." It is impossible to imagine that a man of Whately's tastes and acquirements had not read Hume... | |
 | 1875 - 196 síđur
...arguments for it are commonly derived either from metaphysical topic*, or moral or physical. But it ii In reality the Gospel, and the Gospel alone, that has brought life and immortality la li'jht." It is impossible to imagine that a man of Whately'i Ultei and acquirement* had not read... | |
 | Thomas Henry Huxley - 1879 - 230 síđur are commonly derived either from metaphysical topics, or moral, or physical. But in reality it is the gospel, and the gospel alone, that has brought life and, immortality to light* " 1. Metaphysical topics suppose that the soul is immaterial, and that 'tis impossible for thought... | |
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