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" The language of the monks and schoolmen seemed little better than gibberish to scholars fresh from Virgil and Cicero, and the study of Latin was placed upon a new foundation. Moreover, Latin itself ceased to afford the sole key to knowledge. The student... "
Science and Culture: And Other Essays - Síđa 14
eftir Thomas Henry Huxley - 1888 - 349 síđur
Heildartexta - Um bókina

The Popular Science Monthly, Bindi 18

1881 - 898 síđur
...student who sought the highest thought of antiquity found only a secondhand reflection of it in Roman literature, and turned his face to the full light...teaching of physical science, the study of Greek was recognized as an essential element of all higher education. Thus the Humanists, as they were called,...
Heildartexta - Um bókina

Select Works of Thomas H. Huxley

Thomas Henry Huxley - 1886 - 350 síđur
...student who sought the highest thought of antiquity, found only a second-hand reflection of it in Roman literature, and turned his face to the full light...teaching of physical science, the study of Greek was recognized as an essential element of all higher education. Thus the Humanists, as they were called,...
Heildartexta - Um bókina

Select Works of Thomas H. Huxley

Thomas Henry Huxley - 1886 - 354 síđur
...stndent who sought the highest thought of antiquity, found only a second-hand reflection of it in Roman literature, and turned his face to the full light...fought over the teaching of physical science, the stndy of Greek was recognized as an essential element of all higher education. Thus the Humanists,...
Heildartexta - Um bókina

Collected Essays, Bindi 3

Thomas Henry Huxley - 1900 - 472 síđur
...Dante on his solitary pinnacle, there was no figure in modern literature at the time of the Eenascence to compare with the men of antiquity; there was no...recognised as an essential element of all higher education. Then the Humanists, as they were called, •won the day; and the great reform which they effected was...
Heildartexta - Um bókina

Science and Education

Thomas Henry Huxley - 1902 - 398 síđur
...and Home. Marvellously aided by the invention of printing, classical learning spread and nourished. Those who possessed it prided themselves on having...teaching of physical science, the study of Greek was recognized as an essential element of all higher education. Thus the Humanists, as they were called,...
Heildartexta - Um bókina

Science and Education

Thomas Henry Huxley - 1902 - 400 síđur
...student who sought the highest thought of antiquity found only a second-hand reflection of it in Roman literature, and turned his face to the full light...teaching of physical science, the study of Greek was recognized as an essential element of all higher education. Thus the Humanists, as they were called,...
Heildartexta - Um bókina

Specimens of Exposition and Argument

1908 - 390 síđur
...student who sought the highest thought of antiquity, 5 found only a second-hand reflection of it in Roman literature, and turned his face to the full light...teaching of physical science, the study of Greek was recognized as 10 an essential element of all higher education. Then the Humanists, as they were called,...
Heildartexta - Um bókina

Essays, English and American, with Introductions, Notes and Illustrations

1910 - 516 síđur
...student who sought the highest thought of antiquity found only a second-hand reflection of it in Roman literature, and turned his face to the full light...teaching of physical science, the study of Greek was recognized as an essential element of all higher education. Thus the humanists, as they were called,...
Heildartexta - Um bókina

Representative Essays in Modern Thought: A Basis for Composition

Harrison Ross Steeves, Frank Humphrey Ristine - 1913 - 556 síđur
...student who sought the highest thought of antiquity, found only a second-hand reflection of it in Roman literature, and turned his face to the full light...teaching of physical science, the study of Greek was recognized as an essential element of all higher education. Thus the Humanists,1 as they were called,...
Heildartexta - Um bókina

Science and Education: Essays

Thomas Henry Huxley - 1914 - 474 síđur
...language of the monks and schoolmen seemed little better than gibberish to scholars fresh from Yirgil and Cicero, and the study of Latin was placed upon...recognised as an essential element of all higher education. Then the Humanists, as they were called, won the day; and the great reform which they effected was...
Heildartexta - Um bókina

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