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" A comparison of the sera of the ox, sheep, hog, goat, dog, cat and guinea pig with respect to their content of various proteins. (Untersuchungen über die Blutsverwandtschaft von Tieren, ausgedrückt durch die Zusammensetzung der Serumproteine. 2. Vergleichende... "
Jahresbericht Innere Medizin - Síđa 211
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Experiment Station Record, Bindi 30

United States. Office of Experiment Stations - 1914 - 1134 síđur
...in the blood relationship of animals as displayed hi the composition of the serum proteins.— II, A comparison of the sera of the ox, sheep, hog, goat,...with respect to their content of various proteins, JH WOOLSEY (Jour. Biol. Chem., 14 (1913), No. 5, pp. f,3S-4S9). — The following table summarizes...
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The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Bindi 13-14

1913 - 1182 síđur
...Studies in the blood relationship of animals as displayed in the composition of the serum proteins. II. A comparison of the sera of the ox, sheep, hog, goat,...with respect to their content "of various proteins 433 RT Woodyatt: Studies on the theory of diabetes. I. Sarcolactic acid in diabetic muscle 441 Otto...
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Register ...: With announcements

California. University, University of California, Berkeley - 1914 - 932 síđur
...arterial blood system of Heptanchits rnaculatus. *John Homer Woolsey Medicine Oakland BS 1912. Thesis: A comparison of the sera of the ox, sheep, hog, goat, dog, cat, and guineapig with respect to their content of various proteins. "Harry Stanley Yates Botany Pomona BS...
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Jahresbericht über die gesamte innere Medizin und ihre Grenzgebiete

1914 - 658 síđur
...displayed in the composition of the serum proteins. 2. A comparison of the sera of the ox, sheep, bog, goat, dog, cat and guinea pig with respect to their...(Journal of biol. ehem. Bd. 14, Nr. 5, S. 433—439.) . 7, 225. Woskressensky, S., Über Schwefelgehalt in der Hirnrinde Gesunder und Geisteskranker. (Psych....
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Zentralblatt für die gesamte innere Medizin und ihre Grenzgebiete ..., Bindi 7

1913 - 812 síđur
...coniparison of the sera of the ii \. sheep, bog, goat, dog, cat and guinea pig with respect to„their content of various proteins. (Untersuchungen über...bezug auf deren Gehalt an verschiedenen Proteinen.) ( Rudolf Spreckels physiol. laborat., univ. of California.) Journal of biol. ehem. Bd. 14, Nr. 5, S....
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Collected Reprints from the George Williams Hooper Foundation for ..., Bindi 2

George Williams Hooper Foundation for Medical Research - 1917 - 458 síđur
...Studies in the Blood Relationship of Animals as Displayed in the Composition of the Serum Proteins. II. A Comparison of the Sera of the Ox, Sheep, Hog, Goat,...with Respect to Their Content of Various Proteins, /. Biol. Chem., 1913, xiv, 433. Jewett, RM, V. The Percentage of Non-Proteins in the Sera of Certain...
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Collected Reprints from the George Williams Hooper Foundation for ..., Bindi 1

George Williams Hooper Foundation for Medical Research - 1916 - 370 síđur
...various proteins in the normal and in the fasting condition, ibid., 1912-3, 13, p. 325. Wooley, JH, A comparison of the sera of the ox, sheep, hog, goat, dog, cat, and guinea-pig with respect to their content of various proteins, ibid., 1913, vol. 14, p. 433. Wells,...
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