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" Hooper (CW). Icterus. A rapid change of hemoglobin to bile pigment in the circulation outside the liver. "
Jahresbericht Innere Medizin - Síđa 216
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Zentralblatt für innere Medizin, Bindi 36,Útgáfur 1-26

1915 - 446 síđur
...der Galaktoseprobe weit übertroffen wird. Karl Loening (Halle a. S.). 9. Whipple, GH and Hooper, CW A rapid change of hemoglobin to bile pigment in the circulation outside the liver. (Journal of exp. medicine 1913. 17. S. 612.) Aus Versuchen an Hunden mit und ohne Eck'scher Fistel,...
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Monographic Medicine: Functional pathology of internal diseases, by A. W ...

1916 - 726 síđur
...Griffin (WA). Chronic family jaundice. Am. Jour. Med. Sc., 1910, cxxxix, 847. Whipple (GH) & Hooper (CW). Icterus. A rapid change of hemoglobin to bile pigment in the circulation outside the liver. Jour. Exper. Med., 1913, xvii, 61 2. Hematogenous and obstructive icterus. Experimental studies by...
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Functional Pathology of Internal Diseases, Bindi 1

Albion Walter Hewlett - 1916 - 730 síđur
...(WA). Chronic family jaundice. Am. Jour. Med. Sc., 1919, cxxxix, 847. Whipple (G. H.) & Hooper (CW). Icterus. A rapid change of hemoglobin to bile pigment in the circulation outside the lircr. Jour. Exper. Med., 1913, xrii, till. Hcmatogenous and obstructive icterus. Experimental studies...
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Pathological Physiology of Internal Diseases

Albion Walter Hewlett - 1919 - 728 síđur
...Griffin (WA). Chronic family jaundice. Am. Jour. Med. Sc., 1910, cxxxix, 847. Whipple (GH) & Hooper (CW). Icterus. A rapid change of hemoglobin to bile pigment in the circulation outside the, liver. Jour. Exper. Med., 1913, xvii, 812. Hematogenous and obstructive icterus. Experimental studies by means...
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Practice of Medicine, Bindi 6

Frederick Tice - 1922 - 880 síđur
...metabolism and regeneration of hemoglobin in the body. Arch. Int. Med., 29 : 711-731 1922. AND HOOPER, CW : Icterus. A rapid change of hemoglobin to bile pigment in the circulation outside the liver, J. Exper. Med., 17 : 612-035, 1913. \VINTROBE, MM : Hemoglobin standards in normal men, Proc. Soc....
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Annals of Clinical Medicine, Bindi 1

1923 - 436 síđur
...fistula. Jour. Exper. Med. Lancaster, Pa., 1913, xvii, June, 1913, 593. WHIPPLE, GH, AND HOOPEK, CH: A rapid change of hemoglobin to bile pigment in the circulation outside the liver. Ibid. WHTTE, GD: Fragility of red cells in jaundice, Lancet, London, February, 1914, 383. WHIPHAM,...
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Pathological Physiology of Internal Diseases: Functional Pathology

Albion Walter Hewlett - 1923 - 810 síđur
...Griffin (WA). Chronic family jaundice. Am. Jour. Med. Sc., 1910, cxxxix, 847. Whipple (GH) & Hooper (CW). Icterus. A rapid change of hemoglobin to bile pigment in the circulation outside the lircr. Jour. Expcr. Med., 1913, zrii, 612. Hematogenous and obstructive icterus. Experimental studies...
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Pernicious Anemia

Beaumont Sandfield Cornell - 1927 - 344 síđur
...hemoglobin in the body. Arch. Int. Med. 1922: XXIX, 711-731. (647) Whipple, GH, and Hooper, CW : Ictureus, a rapid change of hemoglobin to bile pigment in the circulation outside the liver. Jour. Exp. Med. 1913: XVII, 612-635. (648) Whipple, GH, Hooper, CW, and Robscheit, FS: Blood regeneration...
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Jahresbericht über die gesamte innere Medizin und ihre Grenzgebiete

1914 - 658 síđur
...med. Bd. 17, Nr. 6, S. 593—611.) 7, 52. \\ liipple. GH, and ('. W. Hooper, Tcterus. A rapid chnngo of hemoglobin to bile. pigment in the circulation...Zirkulation außerhalb der Leber.) (Journal of exp. ined. Bd. 17, Nr. (i, S. 612 — 635.) 7, 51. Wynter, W. Essex, Ca.se of acholuric jaundice after splenectomy....
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Special Cytology, the Form and Functions of the Cell in Health and ..., Bindi 1

Edmund Vincent Cowdry - 1928 - 734 síđur
...und bei Thieren. Zeits. J. rationel Medizin, 20, 257; also 4, 145. Whipple, GH, and Hooper, CW 1913. Icterus. A rapid change of hemoglobin to bile pigment in the circulation outside the liver. J. Exper. Med., 17, 612. 1916. Bile pigment metabolism. Am. J. Pbysiol., 40, 349, also p. 332; 42,...
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