Transmission experiments with the virus of poliomyelitis; finding the virus in the nasal secretion of a human carrier four months after the acute stage of a second attack of poliomyelitis. Jahresbericht Innere Medizin - Síđa 1151914Heildartexta - Um bókina
 | 1914 - 494 síđur
...Gesundheitsamtes bei der Erforschung der Kinderlähmung.) Boston med. a. surg. Journal 168, S. 109-112. 5, 120. Lucas, William P., and Robert B. Osgood, Transmission...vier Monate nach dem akuten Stadium einer zweiten Poliomyelitisattacke.) Journal of the Americ. med. assoc. Bd. 60, Nr. 21, S.1611— 1612. 6, 95. Luisada,... | |
 | Massachusetts. State Board of Health - 1913 - 790 síđur
...for further work to decide whether this is the usual or Hie only method of transmission in nature. TRANSMISSION- EXPERIMENTS WITH THE VIRUS OF POLIOMYELITIS...MONTHS AFTER THE ACUTE STAGE OF A SECOND ATTACK OF POLIOMYELITIS.1 Since our note on the finding of the virus of anterior poliomyelitis in the tonsils... | |
 | 1913 - 1168 síđur
...ihrem Körper 7 Tage lang erhalten. Herxheimer (Wieibaden). Osgood, Robert B. and Lucas, William P., Transmission experiments with the virus of Poliomyelitis. [Finding the virus in the nasopharyngeal mucosa of monkeys recovered from the acute state.] (Report of the Department of Surgery... | |
 | Edwin Oakes Jordan - 1914 - 676 síđur
...five and onehalf months after recovery from the experimental disease, and Lucas and Osgood* have found the virus in the nasal secretion of a human carrier...the acute stage of a second attack of poliomyelitis. Certain facts in the epidemiology of infantile paralysis have been thought to indicate the probability... | |
 | William Palmer Lucas - 1914 - 440 síđur
...Mortality. Vaccine Treatment in tbc Prevention of Dysentery in Infants. (With Harold L. Arioss, MD) Transmission Experiments with the virus of Poliomyelitis. .Finding the Virus in the Nasopharynpcil V'ucosa of Monkeys Recovered frotn the Acute Stage. (With Robert T. Ospood, MO,) Acute... | |
 | American Research Institute. Medical Department - 1917 - 178 síđur
...(H,B.) Acute anterior poliomyelitis with report of two cases. Cleveland Osgood (R*B») & Lucas (W,P.) Transmission experiments with the virus of poliomyelitis; finding the virus in the nasopharyngeal mucosa of monkeys recovered from the acute stage. J.Am.M.Ass.,Chicago,1911,LVI, 495-497«... | |
 | Massachusetts. State Board of Health - 1918 - 512 síđur
...of the air in, with reference to the influence of artificial humidification, by HW Clark, .... 269 Transmission experiments with the virus of poliomyelitis:...the acute stage of a second attack of poliomyelitis, by William P. Lucas, MD, . . 191 TYPHOID FEVER: An outbreak of, in Cambridge, Somerville and Arlington,... | |
 | Edwin Oakes Jordan - 1918 - 702 síđur
...Bull: Jour. Exper. Med., 1917, 25, p. 557. t Amoss and Ebereon: Jour. Exper. Med., 1918, 27, p. 309. of a human carrier four months after the acute stage of a second attack of poliomyelitis. 'Certain facts in the epidemiology of infantile paralysis have been thought to indicate the probability... | |
 | Massachusetts. Dept. of Public Health - 1919 - 76 síđur
...Stomoxys Calcitrans. Transmission of Poliomyelitis by Means of the Stable Fly (Stomoxys Calcitrans). Transmission Experiments with the Virus of Poliomyelitis:...the Acute Stage of a Second Attack of Poliomyelitis. Antityphoid Inoculation: Three Years' -Experience with its Use in Training Schools for Nurses hi Massachusetts.... | |
 | Frederick Tice - 1922 - 706 síđur
...poliomyelitis in the nasal pharynx, J. Exper. Med., 29 : 379-395, 1919. 51. OSUOOD, RB AXD LUCAS, WP : Transmission experiments with the virus of poliomyelitis ; finding the virus in the nasal pharyngenl mucosa of monkevs recovered from the acute stage, JAMA, 50: 495-497, 1911. 52. LEIXER, C.... | |
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