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" On the hemolytic properties of fatty acids and their relation to the causation of toxic hemolysis and pernicious anemia. "
Jahresbericht Innere Medizin - Síđa 395
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Zentralblatt für die gesamte innere Medizin und ihre Grenzgebiete ..., Bindi 8

1913 - 804 síđur
...erreichte Zahl \var4970000. Gleichzeitig besserten sich die subjektiven Beschwerden. H. Hirschfeld. McPhedran, William Fletcher: On the hemolytic properties of fatty acids and their relation to thc causation of toxic hemolysis and pernicious anemia. (Über die hämolytischen Eigenschaften der...
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Sessional Papers - Legislature of the Province of Ontario, Bindi 7

Ontario. Legislative Assembly - 1915 - 970 síđur
...Chemistry under^'the Medical Research Fund have been: . (1) Dr. F. McPhedran, who published a paper "On the Hemolytic Properties of Fatty Acids and their Relation to the Causation of Toxic Haemolysis and Pernicious Anaemia" (JL of Experimental Medicine, Vol. XVIII), in the fall of last year....
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Monographic Medicine: The clinical diagnosis of internal diseases; the blood ...

1916 - 1140 síđur
...relations to pathology and physiology. Quart. J. Med., Oxford, 1914, vii, 221-236. McPhedran (WF). On the hemolytic properties of fatty acids and their...causation of toxic hemolysis and pernicious anemia. J. Exper. M., Lancaster, Pa., 1913, xviii, 627-642. Myers (VC) & Gorham (FD). Chemical composition...
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Monographic Medicine: The clinical diagnosis of internal diseases

1916 - 1138 síđur
...relations to pathology and physiology. Quart. J. Med., Oxford, 1914, vii, 221-236. McPhedran (W, F.). On the hemolytic properties of fatty acids and their relation to the causation of toxic hcmolysis and pernicious anemia. J. Exper. M., Lancaster, Pa., 1913, xviii, 327-642. Myers (VC) & Gorham...
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Sessional Papers - Legislature of the Province of Ontario, Bindi 6

Ontario. Legislative Assembly - 1916 - 674 síđur
...skull of a human fetus of 40mm.," by CC Macklin. Medical Research Fund, No. 1 : "On the haemolitic properties of fatty acids and their relation to the causation of toxic haemolysis and pernicious anaemia," by WF McPhedran. Medical Research Fund, No. 2 : " Biological curvee...
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Dementia Praecox Studies: A Journal of Psychiatry of Adolescence, Bindi 3

1920 - 294 síđur
...Observations on the nature of dementia praecox. Brit. Med. Jour., 1912, ii, 1456-1458. McPHEDRAN, WF : On the hemolytic properties of fatty acids and their...causation of toxic hemolysis and pernicious anemia. Jour. Exp. Med., 1913, xviii, 527-542. MEGGENDORFER, F.: Ueber Syphilis in der Ascendenz von Dementia...
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Dementia Praecox Studies: A Journal of Psychiatry of Adolescence, Bindi 3-4

Bayard Taylor Holmes - 1920 - 470 síđur
...nature of dementia praecox. Brit. Med. Jour., 1912, ii, 1456-1458. McPnEDRAN, WF : On the hemoly tic properties of fatty acids and their relation to the...causation of toxic hemolysis and pernicious anemia. Jour. Exp. Med., 1913, xviii, 527-542. MEGGENDORFER, F.: Ueber Syphilis in der Ascendenz von Dementia...
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Centralblatt für Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde und ..., Bindi 1

1926 - 1254 síđur
...streptococci, and on the existence of anti-hemolysin in the sera of normal and immunised animals. R. 54, 40 McPhedran, William Fletcher, On the hemolytic properties...acids and their relation to the causation of toxic петоlysis and pernicious anemia. R. 60, 549 Madsen, Thorvald, et Watabiki, Tomomitsu, Sur la thermolabilité...
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Pernicious Anemia

Beaumont Sandfield Cornell - 1927 - 344 síđur
...Med. Sci. 1910: CXL, 261265. (424) McPhedran, H. : Personal Communication. 1927. (425) McPhedran, WF : On the hemolytic properties of fatty acids and their...causation of toxic hemolysis and pernicious anemia. Jour. Exper. Med. 1913 : XVIII, 527-542. (426) Medak, E. : Beitrag zur chemie des Blutes bei anaemischen...
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Jahresbericht über die gesamte innere Medizin und ihre Grenzgebiete

1914 - 658 síđur
...experimenteller Säurevergiftung.) (Gazz. internaz . di med., chirurg., ig. Jg. 1913, Nr. 34, S. 793—797.) 8, 136. McPhedran, William Fletcher, On the hemolytic...Anämie.) (Journal of exp. med. Bd. 18, Nr. 5, S. 527—542.) 8, 577. Meissner, R., Über die Bindung des Arsenwasserstoffes im Blut. (Zeitschr. f. exp....
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