Healing Sex: A Mind-body Approach to Healing Sexual TraumaCleis Press, 28. nóv. 2007 - 267 síður The first encouraging, sex-positive guide for all women survivors of sexual assault -- heterosexual, bisexual, lesbian, coupled, and single -- who want to reclaim their sex lives. While most books on the topic broach sexuality only to reassure women that it is all right to say "no” to unwanted sex, Healing Sex encourages women to learn how to say "yes” -- to their own desires and on their own terms. This mind-body approach to healing from sexual trauma was created by Staci Haines, who has been educating in the area of sexual abuse, sex education, and somatic healing for over 15 years. Her techniques are ideal for anyone looking for a new way to heal from trauma, beyond traditional talk therapy. |
Safety Somatics and Sexual Healing | 1 |
Safer Sex Gear page | 19 |
Toys and Accoutrements 199 | 21 |
Desire and Pleasure 25 | 24 |
Dissociation | 37 |
SelfDenial | 51 |
Sexual Response and Anatomy Information Is Power 65 | 64 |
Female Anatomy page | 67 |
Oral Sex | 131 |
Embracing Triggers | 151 |
The Emotions of Healing | 173 |
SM RolePlaying and Fantasy | 189 |
Vibrators page | 201 |
Dildos and Harnesses page | 204 |
Anal Toys page | 206 |
SM Toys page | 208 |
Male Anatomy page | 72 |
Anal Anatomy page | 75 |
Masturbation and SelfHealing | 86 |
Consent and Boundaries | 102 |
Partner Sex | 117 |
Spiritual Sexuality | 215 |
Partnering with Survivors of Sexual Abuse | 233 |
Your Powerful Sexual Self Who Are You Becoming? | 239 |
Somatic Healing | 255 |
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Common terms and phrases
afraid anal sex anatomy anger angry anus aroused body boundaries break from sex breath butt plug chapter child sexual abuse childhood sexual abuse choice choose clit clitoris condom consent cunnilingus dental dams dildo dissociation embodied emotions enjoy erotic explore fantasies feel felt fingers G-spot genitals grief happening heal sexually healing process incest intense kissing labia labia minora latex look lover masturbate move muscles nipples notice oral sex orgasm pain partner sex pelvis penis play practice relationship relax release response safe safer sex safety safeword sensations Sex Guide Exercises sex toys sex-positive sexual activities sexual compulsion sexual desires sexual expression sexual healing sexual partner sexual pleasure shame somatic someone stimulation stop survivors talking about sex tell therapist things tion touch trauma trigger plan vagina vibrators vulva water-based lubricant women