Physiological Reviews, Bindi 1American Physiological Society., 1921 |
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absorption action adsorbed adsorption afferent altitude Amer amount anaphylactic anaphylaxis animals antigen antiscorbutic Arch auricle auricular auriculo-ventricular node Biochem Biol blood volume body brain buffer calories capillary causes cells cent cephalin changes Chem chemical circulation CO₂ cohesion colloidal concentration curve depressor determined diet dilatation dogs effect evidence experimental experiments f. d. gesammt factor fatty acids fibers fluid glucose grams guinea pigs heart heat hemoglobin hydrogen impulse increase indicate injection intestinal investigators Journ lecithin lesions Levene lipoids liver lungs mechanism membrane metabolism method molecule muscle nerve nictitating membrane normal observations obtained osmotic oxidation oxygen Path perfusion Pharm phosphatides Physiol physiological plasma pressure produced protein pulmonary arterial rabbits reaction reduced reflex respiratory response salt sensitized serum sino-auricular node sodium chloride solution sphingomyelin spinal stimulation substances sugar surface tension temperature tion tissue vasoconstriction vasomotor venous ventricle venules vessels vitamin Wochenschr Zeitschr
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Síđa 77 - ... and a visual impulse is set up which is conveyed through the optic nerve fibres to the brain. The character of the stimulus differs according to the wave length of the light causing it.
Síđa 588 - ... characteristic disease of the eye. This usually begins with a swelling of the lids of one or both eyes or with indications that the eye is becoming unduly sensitive to light. Following this there commonly develops an inflamed and catarrhal condition of the conjunctivae, with a bloody or purulent discharge, the lids becoming scabby or sticky. This, with the swelling of the lids and the sensitiveness to light, sometimes results in the eye being found completely closed. If the eye condition is not...
Síđa 66 - since chemically similar proteins from seeds of different genera react anaphylactically with one another, while chemically dissimilar proteins from the same seed in many cases fail to do so, we must conclude that the specificity of the anaphylaxis reaction depends upon the chemical structure of the protein molecule
Síđa 449 - The arm to be tested is allowed to be limp in the hands of the adjustor until the command "hold back," with which command the pectoral muscles are contracted as strongly as possible. The adjustor stands directly in front of the subject, facing him; places the loop of the balance about the arm to be tested, just above the elbow; with one hand he holds the loop in position and grasps lightly the subject's hand or wrist with his other hand. Keeping the subject's arm straight, the adjustor draws it across...
Síđa 606 - In experiments in which the natural acidity of the standard tomato juice was first neutralized in whole or in part, the juice then boiled for one hour and immediately cooled and reacidified, it was found that at pH 5.1 to 4.9 (natural acidity less than half neutralized) the destruction during one hour's boiling was increased to 58 %. Neutralization of a larger proportion of the natural acidity increased the rate of destruction of the vitamin.
Síđa 460 - ... adequate verification by comparison with direct strength tests. Reference is to the estimation of the muscular strength by Pignet's formula. In the absence of access to Pignet's original contribution his formula is cited from Medical War Manual, number 1 (Vedder) p. 70. The formula is extremely simple. The weight in kilograms and the chest measure at expiration in centimeters are determined and added. This sum is then subtracted from the height in centimeters; the result is an index number whose...
Síđa 361 - ... 309-13; JCS, c, ii, 673. CRUICKSHANK, J. (1913) On the lecithin and other lipoids extracted from formalin fixed tissues. Journ. Path. Bact., xvii, 118. FENDLER, G. (1914) Purification of lecithin preparation obtained by treating yolk of eggs with acetone. Chem. Abs., viii, 2459. Ger. P. 272057. FRAENKEL, S. AND ELFER, A. (1912) On the drying of tissues and blood for the preparation of lipoids. LEVENE, PA AND WEST, CJ (1918) Lecithin. II. Preparation of pure lecithin; composition and stability...
Síđa 447 - Inversion. Body position of the subject the same as in dorsal flexion. The loop is across the inner surface of the great toe joint. The ankle is braced by the hands of the adjuster. With the foot at right angles to the leg, the foot is inverted and adducted as far as possible without inward rotation of the leg. The pull is opposite in direction to the muscular contraction, horizontal, and in the same vertical plane as the foot. The operator swings the balance so as to maintain this relationship as...
Síđa 449 - ... stands directly in front of the subject, facing him; places the loop of the balance about the arm to be tested, just above the elbow; with one hand he holds the loop in position and grasps lightly the subject's hand or wrist with his other hand. Keeping the subject's arm straight, the adjustor draws it across the subject's body as far as possible, keeping it as close to the body as can be done and still give clearance for the loop. At the command "hold back" the subject's effort is to hold the...
Síđa 262 - The optic thalamus was apparently the seat of those physical processes which underlie crude sensations of contact, — pain, heat and cold, together with the feeling tone they evoke.