Discourse: Berkeley Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture, Bindi 20,Útgáfa 3Indiana University Press, 1998 |
The Friend | 17 |
The Troublemakers | 23 |
The Grandeur of Yasser Arafat | 30 |
Höfundarréttur | |
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according Aion analytical proposition Arab artists auteurs Baroque become Bergson Bergsonian Blaser body cartographical Chronos cinema concept constitute create creation creative defined Deleuze's Deleuzian deterritorialization Detroit diagram Difference and Repetition differential Discourse domain effect event everything example existence expression fact Félix Guattari film filmmakers fold force Foucault function Gilles Deleuze Gräwe Guattari Henri Bergson Holy Forest idea identity imperial individual notion infinite institutions Israel language Leibniz Leibnizian living logic longer means modern monad Monadology movement Movement-Image multiple never Nietzsche non-pulsed ontology Palestinians Paris passage philosophy plane of immanence poem point of view possible postmodern precisely principle problem pulsed racism racist theory reality refers relation ritornello sense singular social society of control space specific speeds and slownesses Spinoza things thought Thousand Plateaus Time-Image Trans transcendental truth untimely collaboration virtual Wayne State University writing