Sir JOHN M'FADYEAN, M.B., B.Sc., M.R.C.V.S. ROYAL VETERINARY COLLEGE, LONDON Price 3s. 6d. Quarterly, or 14s. per Annum W. & Α. Κ. JOHNSTON, LIMITED EDINBURGH Royal Veterinary College. CAMDEN TOWN, LONDON, N.W. I. PROF. SIR JOHN M'FADYEAN, M.B., B.Sc., LL.D., M.R.C.V.S. Principal and Dean. SESSION 1919-20. The Summer Session begins on Monday, 3rd May 1920. Examinations in General Knowledge for intending Students are held at the COLLEGE in March, July, September, and December. The Obligatory Subjects are English, Mathematics (Arithmetic, Algebra, and Geometry) and two of the following subjects: Latin, Greek, French, German, or any other approved Modern Language. Candidates must at one Examination pass in all the subjects. Full particulars of Classes, Prizes, Fees, and duration of terms will be found in the College Calendar, copies of which may be had on application to THOMAS C. WIGHT, Secretary. W.WATSON & SCRO SONS MICROSCOPES. The SERVICE Microscope is of entirely new design throughout, embodying conveniences of a unique description. It inaugurates an entirely new era of mechanical design in Microscopes. Stable and robust to an exceptional degree, it is the ideal Laboratory instrument. Standardised and interchangeable throughout, additional movements, which become INTEGRAL PARTS of the Stand, can be added by the user. Complete Outfits from £13 17 6. May we send you a Catalogue? All enquiries promptly dealt with. W. WATSON & SONS, Ltd., 313 High Holborn, LONDON, W.C. 1 NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. 0 Communications, exchange journals, specimens, etc., for the Editors should be addressed to Sir John M'Fadyean, Royal Veterinary College, Camden Town, London, N.W. |