Science, Bindi 6

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John Michels (Journalist)
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1885
Since Jan. 1901 the official proceedings and most of the papers of the American Association for the Advancement of Science have been included in Science.

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Síđa 340 - vision. In vain,—the blurred record was as blank as ever. The next night he saw the fish again, but with no more satisfactory result. When he awoke it disappeared from his memory as before. Hoping that the same experience might be repeated on the third night, he placed a pencil and
Síđa 99 - quite like the French academy, — a sovereign organ of the highest literary opinion, a recognized authority in matters of intellectual tone and taste, we shall hardly have, and perhaps we ought not to wish to have it."
Síđa 6 - communications concerning the proposed change in the time for beginning the astronomical day, as recommended by the recent International meridian conference at Washington, the lords of the committee of council on education requested the following committee to advise them as to what steps should be taken in the matter : Prof. JC Adams,
Síđa 382 - Helmholtz, HLF The sensations of tone as a physiological basis for the theory of music. 2d
Síđa 31 - the extent to which the strata above or below the gassand are cracked; (c) the dip of the gassand, and the position of the anticlines and synclines; (d) the relative proportions of water, oil, and gas contained in the sand; and (e) the pressure under which the gas exists before being tapped by wells.
Síđa 433 - and The preventable causes of disease, injury, and death in American manufactories and workshops, and the best means and appliances for preventing and avoiding them. The
Síđa 266 - terms such as a competent mathematician could deal with, disentangled from all reference to heredity, and in that shape submitted it to Mr. J. Hamilton Dickson, of St. Peter's college, Cambridge. I asked him kindly to investigate for me the surface of frequency of error that would result from these three data, and the various
Síđa 265 - discountenances extravagant fears that they will inherit all their weaknesses and diseases. The converse of this law is very far from being its numerical opposite. Because the most probable deviate of the son is only twothirds that of his midparentage , it does not in the least follow that the most probable deviate of the midparentage is
Síđa 333 - and the tooth became the most efficient weapon of attack. Still later, armor was discarded, and flight or concealment became the main methods of escape, and swift pursuit the principle of attack, while claws were added to teeth as assailing weapons. Finally, mentality came into play, intelligence became the most efficient agent both in attack and

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