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systematic effort will be made to obtain promptly all the important facts of biochemical interest in the public affairs of the leading scientific societies; and it is our hope that all the secretaries to whom our requests for information may be forwarded, will coöperate with us in the execution of this purpose.

Beginning with this issue we shall reserve the space on the inside of the back cover of each number of the BIOCHEMICAL BULLETIN for the publication there of personal and professional items relative to biochemical " positions wanted," "positions vacant," and "new positions." Items of this character will be received from any and all who may be interested, and will be published free of charge. The founders of the BIOCHEMICAL BULLETIN intended to make this journal an active factor in the advancement of the knowledge and practice of biochemistry. The BIOCHEMICAL BULLETIN aims not only to promote the science and art of biological chemistry, but also to “give aid and comfort" to those who devote themselves to biochemistry as a profession. In pursuance of these purposes the BIOCHEMICAL BULLETIN would cheerfully help to bring to realization the hopes of all who seek professional opportunities in biochemistry or who desire the services of biological chemists.

The BIOCHEMICAL BULLETIN promptly acknowledges here the receipt of publications presented to it. Reviews are matter-of-fact statements of the nature and contents of the publications referred to, and are Books received intended solely to guide possible purchasers. The wishes or expectations of publishers or donors of volumes will be disregarded, if they are incompatible with our convictions regarding the interests of our colleagues. The sizes of the printed pages are indicated, in inches, in the appended notices.

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Harvey's views on the use of the circulation of the blood. By John G. Curtis (Posthumous publication). Based on a lecture delivered, in 1907, before the Johns Hopkins Hospital Historical Club, at Baltimore. Edited by Prof. F. S. Lee, with affection for Dr. Curtis's memory and with appreciation of his scholarly attainments." Pp. 194; 6x34. Columbia Univ. Press, 1915. "Dr. Curtis's work represents a more profound study of Harvey's ideas and comparison of them with those of the most important of Harvey's predecessors than has heretofore appeared."

Nutritional physiology: 2d ed. By Percy G. Stiles, instr. in physiol., Harvard Univ. Pp. 287-6 x 32; $1.25 net. W. B. Saunders Co., Phila., 1915. First ed. issued in 1912. Our references to the first ed., as an "admirable treatment of nutrition" and a very valuable addition to the growing supply of text books in biol. chem. for beginners," apply with even greater pertinence to this edition. The hygienic aspects of nutrition are given special consideration.



The founders of the BIOCHEMICAL BULLETIN intended to make it an active factor in the advancement of the knowledge and practice of biochemistry. The BIOCHEMICAL BULLETIN aims not only to promote the science and art of biological chemistry, but also to give "aid and comfort" to those who devote themselves to biochemistry as a profession.

Hereafter, in pursuance of these purposes, this page will be reserved for the publication of personal and professional items relative to biochemical "positions wanted," "positions vacant," and "new positions." Items of this character will be received from any and all who may be interested, and will be published free of charge.

Address communications in this connection to William J. Gies, 437 West 59th St., New York City, by whom all details will be regarded confidentially, whether that attitude is formally requested or not; and by whom correspondents will be put directly in touch with each other.

New positions

1. Pathological chemist wanted by two physicians. Salary $150 per month. State qualifications.

2. Bacteriological chemist wanted to coöperate in dental and oral research. Salary to accord with training and ability. State qualifications.

3. Director of research on nature and effects of "food poisons" in a university laboratory desires collaboration of bacteriologists, biochemists and pharmacologists (pair of each). Full time appointments; no teaching duties. Research to continue for at least three years. State qualifications and salary desired.

13. "Oil chemist" wanted in industrial laboratory. Good salary for man thoroly trained, with wide experience.

Positions vacant

4. Two assistantships in biochemical department of large western university will be vacant at end of present academic year. New appointees will receive $500 each, free tuition, and "half-time" for Ph.D. work.

Positions wanted

5. Biochemist, Ph.D., with special experience and interest in research on enzymes, desires a permanent position in this kind of work.

6. Biochemist with special experience

in research on lipins desires teaching position that would enable him to complete Ph.D. training.

7. Biochemist, Ph.D., long training and experience in agricult. chem., desires position of greater opportunity for research in same field. Salary desired, $2500.

8. Biochemist, Ph.D., with thorough training and extended experience in nutrition, desires more advanced opportunity in research in nutrition or an allied field. Prefers position without teaching duties. Salary desired, $2500.

9. Instructor in bacteriology, Ph.D., now teaching (a) general bacteriology, (b) water, milk and food bacteriology, and (c) (c) bacteriological chemistry, seeks more advanced position, combining opportunity in research with teaching.

10. Bacteriologist, Ph.D., with chemical training and extended experience in bacteriology, desires position in research involving activity in bacteriochemistry. Salary desired, $2500.

11. Biochemist, M.S., now a candidate for Ph.D. in western univ., who has specialized in food and bacteriological chem., and is teaching chem., desires a teaching or research position in any of these fields.

12. Seven biochemists, who expect to receive the Ph.D. degree in June, desire "good positions."

Vol. V

April-May, 1916

No. 20-21

Biochemical Bulletin

Edited, for the Columbia University Biochemical Association, by

Herman M. Adler,
John S. Adriance,

L. H. Almy,

C. H. Allen,

David Alperin,
Carl L. Alsberg,
D. B. Armstrong,
George Baehr,
J. C. Baker,
Louise C. Ball,
Charles W. Ballard,
Arnold K. Balls,
Louis Baumann,
George D. Beal,
Cora J. Beckwith,
S. R. Benedict,
William N. Berg,
Josephine T. Berry,
Robert Bersohn,
Isabel Bevier,
Louis E. Bisch,
A. Richard Bliss,
Ernst Boas,
Helene M. Boas,
Joseph C. Bock,
Charles F. Bolduan,
Samuel Bookman,
Sidney Born,
O. C. Bowes,
William B. Boyd,
Jean Broadhurst,
J. Bronfenbrenner,
H. E. Buchbinder,
Leo Buerger,

Gertr. Burlingham,
J. G. M. Bullowa,
R. Burton-Opitz,

A. M. Buswell,

R. P. Calvert,

A. T. Cameron,
C. D. Carpenter,
Herbert S. Carter,
Russell L. Cecil,
Arthur F. Chace,
Hardee Chambliss,
Ella H. Clark,
Ernest D. Clark,
Alfred E. Cohn,
Kath. R. Coleman,
Robert A. Cooke,
Helen C. Coombs,
Blanche E. Cooper,
Calvin B. Coulter,
Burrill B. Crohn,
Glenn E. Cullen,
Louis J. Curtman,
William D. Cutter,
C. A. Darling,
William Darrach,
Andrew I. Dawson,

Norman E. Ditman,
Ula M. Dow,
Eugene F. DuBois,
James G. Dwyer,
Fred'k Eberson,
Walter H. Eddy,
D. J. Edwards,
Gustave Egloff,
A. D. Emmett,
Allan C. Eustis,
Benj. G. Feinberg,
Ada M. Field,
Ruth S. Finch,
Harry L. Fisher,
Mabel P. FitzGerald,
Nellis B. Foster,
Fred D. Fromme,
C. Stuart Gager,
Mary C. de Garmo,
Helen Gavin,
Mary E. Gearing,
George A. Geiger,
Samuel Gitlow,
A. J. Goldfarb,
H. D. Goodale,
H. B. Goodrich,
F. G. Goodridge,
Ross A. Gortner,
Mark J. Gottlieb,
Isidor Greenwald,
James C. Greenway,
Louise H. Gregory,
Beatrix Gross,
Abraham Gross,
B. C. Gruenberg,
Marston L. Hamlin,
Frederic M. Hanes,
R. F. Hare,
Tula L. Harkey,
T. Stuart Hart,
Fred W. Hartwell,
E. Newton Harvey,
P. B. Hawk,
Harold M. Hays,
M. Heidelberger,
Joseph S. Hepburn,
M. G. Herzfeld,
Alfred F. Hess,
L. J. Hirshleifer,
Mildred A. Hoge,
Karl J. Holliday,
Wm. T. Horne,
Byron B. Horton,
Homer D. House,
Frank T. Hughes,
Louis Hussakof,
Roscoe R. Hyde,
Henry H. Janeway,
Max Kahn,
John L. Kantor,

James P. Kelly,
Edw. C. Kendall,
J. E. Kirkwood,
Israel J. Kligler,
Arthur Knudson,
Mathilde Koch, '
Sydney D. Kramer,
Walter M. Kraus,
Alfred H. Kropff,
Chas. Krumwiede, Jr.,
A. V. S. Lambert,
Marguerite T. Lee,
Victor E. Levine,
Charles C. Lieb,
Sidney Liebovitz,
Mabel C. Little,
B. E. Livingston,
Leon Loewe,
Alfred P. Lothrop,
Daniel R. Lucas,
Wm. H. McCastline,
Helen McClure,
Mary G. McCormick,
Louise McDanell,
Jas. P. McKelvy,
Alice H. McKinney,
Grace MacLeod,
C. A. Mathewson,
H. A. Mattill,
Clarence E. May,
Gustave M. Meyer,
Sergius Morgulis,
Max Morse,
Agnes F. Morgan,
H. O. Mosenthal,
J. Howard Mueller,
Hermann J. Muller,
Arthur Mutscheller,
Leila Noland,
Archibald E. Olpp,
B. S. Oppenheimer,
R. C. Osburn,
Reuben Ottenberg,
Charles Packard,
A. M. Pappenheimer,
Edwards A. Park,
Olive G. Patterson,
Almeda Perry,
W. H. Peterson,
Louis Pine,
Helene M. Pope,
E. R. Posner,
P. W. Punnett,
Jessie Moore Rahe,
A. N. Richards,
Anna E. Richardson,
C. H. Richardson,
Grace C. Robinson,
Winifred J. Robinson,
David E. Roelkey,

and the executive editorial sub-committee:

Edgar G. Miller, Jr., chairman,

Anton R. Rose,
Jacob Rosenbloom,
G. J. Rosenthal,
Una G. Ruth,
William Salant,
W. S. Schley,
Oscar M. Schloss,
H. von W. Schulte,
W. H. Schultz,
Fred W. Schwartz,
C. A. Schwarze,
Ernest L. Scott,
Emily C. Seaman,
Fred J. Seaver,
A. D. Selby,
A. Franklin Shull,
J. Buren Sidbury,
C. Hendee Smith,
Clayton S. Smith,
Edward A. Spitzka,
Morris Stark,
Matthew Steel,
Ralph G. Stillman,
Chas. R. Stockard,
Edward C. Stone,
Mary E. Sweeny,
Arthur W. Thomas,
M. K. Thornton,
Grover Tracy,

F. T. Van Beuren,
J. D. Van Buskirk,
Eliz. G. Van Horne,
Philip Van Ingen,
Chas. H. Vosburgh,
Delancy M. Ward,
Hardolph Wasteneys,
Edwin D. Watkins,
William Weinberger,
F. S. Weingarten,
J. W. Weinstein,
Charles Weisman,
William H. Welker,
C. A. Wells,
Harry Wessler,
Frank M. Wheat,
Isabel Wheeler,
H. L. White,
Geo. H. Whiteford,
David D. Whitney,
Ethel Wickwire,
Herbert B. Wilcox,
Guy W. Wilson,
Louis E. Wise,
William H. Woglom,
I. O. Woodruff,
L. L. Woodruff,
H. E. Woodward,
Anna B. Yates,
R. M. Yergason,
Hans Zinsser,

William J. Gies,

Benjamin Horowitz,

Paul E. Howe,

William A. Perlzweig


Entered as second-class matter in the Post Office at Lancaster, Pa.

A prize of one hundred and fifty dollars ($150), to be known as the Kronecker Biochemical Prize, and intended "to encourage biochemical research and improve biochemical literature," will be awarded to the most meritorious paper, in each successive volume of the BIOCHEMICAL BULLETIN, under the following conditions:

I. The prize shall be designated, in all references thereto in the BIOCHEMICAL BULLETIN, as the Kronecker Biochemical Prize.

2. No one more than 40 years of age shall be eligible to receive the prize, but neither nationality, race, creed, sex, nor any other state or personal condition shall render an author ineligible to receive the prize.

3. The prize-winning paper, article, or other contribution, may be of multiple authorship and of any biochemical character whatever, provided the paper or any part of it is not published elsewhere before the award is formally announced; but the prize may not be awarded to a paper that is more than 15 printed pages in extent, exclusive of diagrams, plates, tables, and other illustrative matter.

4. The awards of the prize shall be made annually by vote of the subscribers for the BIOCHEMICAL BULLETIN.

5. The Managing Editor of the BIOCHEMICAL BULLETIN, with the advice of the members of the Executive Committee of the Columbia University Biochemical Association, shall have authority to announce that none of the papers in a given volume is sufficiently meritorious to warrant the award of the prize for that volume; but in any such event the prize for the succeeding volume, or volumes, shall be increased by the amount, or amounts, not previously awarded.

6. The contents of the second half of the present volume (VJuly to December, 1916, inclusive) and of the whole of the succeeding volume (VI—1917) shall constitute the series of papers from which the most meritorious contribution will be selected for the initial bestowal of the Kronecker Biochemical Prize. Beginning with Volume VII (1918), this prize will be awarded annually.

7. The Managing Editor of the BIOCHEMICAL BULLETIN will announce and execute all plans desirable or necessary for the attainment of the donor's purpose in this matter, in accord with the conditions above expressed.

See pages 59 (Jan.) and 127 (Feb.-Mar.) of this volume of the BIOCHEMICAL BULLETIN.

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